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Thread: Raffle tickets for men, woman, kids and a Christmast bonus draw. R30 per ticket.

  1. #21
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Dear bjsteyn, there is NO 3rd testament
    He shows me and Timeless is coming, this is GODs Timeless Testment, 3rd and final Testement to complete His other 2 testment for once again, to complete a Trinity plan He has...
    Maybe you have not yet read the last verses of Revelation as recorded in the King James version of the Bible:

    18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

    19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    20 He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

    21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  2. #22
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    So what is your point blurock? There is a 3rd testement and is has started. Doesnt matter to me if you believe me or not. No one will mis what God is about to do through this company. Ill accept your apology later. Doesnt matter to me what you think, it matters me what God thinks and that im doing what Hes telling to me to do. If Timeless is to big for your and @andrianh minds to handle then so be it, that was always Gods intention... God loves you now please go attend to your own business, and stop insulting Gods company or if it makes you feel better lets call it my company. How little do you know what God is about to do. Ta

  3. #23
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Your first taste of being a fool for insulting Timeless things @adrianh . Keep it up and u gonna feel like even bigger fool when u see everything else happens aswell. So many happy people for something Timeless spent money on with no gains except the smiles. What did u call it a scam? Does this now reveal to you how daft you are being? Or do you want to keep going?

    Keep on insulting Timeless things and u will keep on learning the same thing, that you dont know anything. Msy Gods grace be with you. Ta

  4. #24
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    May his Great Noodliness fill your bowl with Pasta n Sauce.... and if you really garner great favor he may you bless you with a bowl of Alfredo....(only if you are good and don't annoy your earthly neighbors with constant begging and book punching)

  5. #25
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    May his Great Noodliness fill your bowl with Pasta n Sauce.... and if you really garner great favor he may you bless you with a bowl of Alfredo....(only if you are good and don't annoy your earthly neighbors with constant begging and book punching)
    How a man can act like such an idiot on a business forum and think he is amusing only you know @andriah. What ever makes you happy, now stop wasting my time and take a hike.

  6. #26
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    His Holy Noodliness blesses you with Fetuccini Alfredo and he whispered to me in confidence last night (when I mediated upon my Spaghetti and Meatball) that you may sprinkle a bit of Parmesan upon yourself if the urge befalls you.

  7. #27
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjsteyn View Post
    So what is your point blurock? There is a 3rd testement and is has started. Doesnt matter to me if you believe me or not. No one will mis what God is about to do through this company. Ill accept your apology later. Doesnt matter to me what you think, it matters me what God thinks and that im doing what Hes telling to me to do. If Timeless is to big for your and @andrianh minds to handle then so be it, that was always Gods intention... God loves you now please go attend to your own business, and stop insulting Gods company or if it makes you feel better lets call it my company. How little do you know what God is about to do. Ta
    I really feel sorry for you as there is only one Bible with an Old and a New Testament. No-one will add to it or take from it or change it without incurring the wrath of God. There is no 3rd testament. Go read your Bible, That is false! I do not believe in a lucky packet god that will win the jackpot for me or open up a parking space just because I asked him out of selfish desire. I believe in the One True God who will guide me through life regardless of perils or fortune.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  8. #28
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    You dont have feel sorry for me, God is about to bless my life and so many others lives through Timeless. There no selfish desire in the plans of Timeless, exactly the opposite. And i understand why you think that, i would think the same unless i knew what i knew and what God showed me. Only time will show it as the truth and as Gods plan. Please see my reply on the thread

    Have a lovely eveing! You and @adrianh... God loves you both!

  9. #29
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    And believe me i know the wrath of God... thats why i warned you both. You have no idee what God put me through leading to the plans for Timeless, and it was all so that in the darkest hour, God could show me the greatest vision of light. You may read Job. Old Testment.

  10. #30
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Did you see the news or see the Bethlehem star yourself, in the sky last night, with perfect timing @Blurock, would you believe me if i told you God put it in the sky and its about Timeless investment launch and what will give birth because of it. God put it in the sky the same way He did before Jesus birth, and God chose the 25th for the investment launch cause of the other 2 creations God made on that day already of which Jesus is the one we all know about. Timeless will be His 3rd. And Jesus is in the centre of Timeless as-well, represented by the number 13. Last time the Bethlehem star showed was in 1623(12), and Timeless investment launch is all bout Gods plans and the Timeless Number 13. God put it in the sky 4 nights before Timeless investmwent launch in 2020(4 again), and Gods plans that are represented by the number 13(4 again).

    This is big, its gonna be the biggest thing God has done for the world since Jesus crucifiction. Believe or not, i hope you will visit when its time... me and God are gonna put it together tomorrow nigt i believe... right now there is almost nothing on there. So you see, i live by faith not by sight, when the clock runs out that website will be ready not cause im super human but cause God is faithfull...

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