The guy is a typical Evangelical SCAM ARTIST - The next thing he is going to be begging for a LearJet to fly HIS Holy butt around....
The guy is a typical Evangelical SCAM ARTIST - The next thing he is going to be begging for a LearJet to fly HIS Holy butt around....
The reason SCAM ARTISTS use religion as a backstop is because it is TAX EXEMPT
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Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
The scam is called: SEED FAITH Some just hide the term under a load of fluff....AND NOT SAYING THAT IT IS TAX FREE
With 257 followers on Facebook I think World Domination is imminent.....
Lol man of little faith, you obviously don't know who God is or what He can do, that seems to be your only problem. And you obviously don't know God works through people like He did since the beginning of days. Everything in the bible God did through people and He has never stopped. With doubting that God called me to this, with that i cant help you, but if u pick up the bible and go read up on the biblewheel u might learn something about or GOD and how He uses numbers. He has also always done everything through Faith. Without faith you cannot please GOD. God has always devided Hes gifts as-well, the Gifts of the Spirit is devided, together we are united, a rhyme from one of the poems God wrote through me, that are also part of Hes plans for Timeless.
Timeless even means GOD is still the GOD that does miracles in this day and age, God chose the name for that to and told me to go look in my bible what it means. I'm gonna tell you the same. Its right in the preface of the bible.
God even started revealing things to me for the Timeless Bible that GOD hasn't revealed to anyone yet, and the bible we will put together will be done in a way that has never been done before and reveal things GOD has never revealed before this time, that He planned since the beginning of days.
Did you know?
The earth is the 3rd planet from the sun (A Trinity Design)
There is 9 planets orbiting the sun (God number of completion) - Some people will argue there is only 8, but there is definitely 9.
- In decimal you count to nine and you carry over, in Timeless you Timeless fold and only count from 1 to 9 cause thats GOD's design number range to simplefy His complex creations. 1 Quadrillion and 1 is the same to GOD. 9 is Godprint12, sure GOD revealed that to you hey? Cause you have so much faith in Him. Maybe if you had a little He would. South Africa has 9 provinces for the same reason, Gods plans for Timeless.
- South Africa is the only country with 3 capitals in the world (That God designed for His plans for Timeless - A Trinity Sign)
- South Africa is 3 countries in 1 (A 3 in 1 sign that God planned once again for Timeless things) - Lesotho and Swaziland was stuck in SA cause God wanted that for what He is gonna reveal now.
- Our South African ids is made out of 13 digits cause God planned that just like the star of David on Israel that resembles 13 (Gods chosen nation number). It goes much deeper than that and we will reveal more about that at the investment launch.
- That there is 7 Continents in the world cause it Gods pefect investment number (Will explain below)
- That there is 7 Seas in the world cause its Gods pefect investment number.
14 resembles GOD 2 season completion before the Timeless season. God perfectly devided land the seas into 7 each when He created the world.
I can go on the whole day but i know its gonna meen nothing to you, so i wont waste my time. How about this, did you know this, cause you seem to think you know alot, so here is one more for you and why we using the number 250 as the number for people to invest in Timeless. Every millenium there is 250 leap years, and God creates a brand new day, 250 brand new days out of nothing every millenium, its Gods number of Creation, why it was the first number God lead me to in the start of planning Timeless. The number of creation, the number of light in darkness.
Di you know?
-25 December is not just when Jesus was born, its when God started creating the world aswell thats why we doing the Timeless investment launch then, cause Timeless will be GODs third majestic creation on that day, to complete once again His trinity creations.
-Did you know its 7 days from the new year, 25 resembles 7 (2+5=) the same amount of days God created the world in, thats why its the investment numbers Timeless is being built on, cause its God's perfect investment number .
Have you ever read the parable about Jesus making 5 breads of loafs and 2 fish into many to feed a crowd by trusting God, Timeless is built on the same promise of faith, and a vison that came from GOD and His guidance every day.
I'm not gonna waste my day replying to people with the lack of knowledge to understand what we are doing, the faith in the one GOD that is doing this, the patience to even see what we want to reveal at investment launch. Lets add knowledge and wisdom to that, seems that you lack it but if you ask GOD He will reveal to you this is all Him.
We doing the raffle draw today, which by the way we didn't even get half back what we spent on it. I spent 2k on it and we made just over 1k . Then again it was never about making money, it was about gainning some support for TE and doing something nice for people. What a big scam hey?
Go and insult someone else, being insulted i accepted when i took the job GOD gave me. Know i know how Noah and Jesus felt, but i give all your insults to GOD, its not mine to accept. So keep going at it.. your oppinion lacks knowledge about GOD and is based on that fact. I'm actually praying for you cause i realize GOD does not show you the things He shows me and Timeless is coming, this is GODs Timeless Testment, 3rd and final Testement to complete His other 2 testment for once again, to complete a Trinity plan He has...
God also told me if anyone doubts what im doing with Timeless i must give them 1 Kings 8 to read, He basically opened my bible and told me im on the right page. Go read 1 Kings 8, and if you not willing to that please just keep your oppinion to yourself, because it will have no value. Thanks
Your welcome to watch us do the raffle draw life on our facebook page and pray that God opens your eyes...
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Where else must Timeless manufacture it cost effectively currently? We need to manufacture our products (Timeless Concepts) for our Timeless Essentials next year and Timeless will only have the funds to start building its infrastructure in 5 years. Our business/jobs creation plans starts with TN250 (in 1-2 years it will be complete). But after 5 years there will be tons of jobs opening at Timeless as well. Then we can start looking at timeless manufacturing methods / partners, when we have the funds and operations are up and running. Timeless will create more than a 1 million jobs in SA, or for that to happen right now we need to import from China cause our government has done "Vokkol" to give us a better solution, unless you can suggest one? The manafucturing partner we are looking at in China, is designing items with the Timeless feel we want in our products, till we can buy our own manufacturing equipement we need someone that is at the level Timeless products needs to be at.
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I think that God can speak for himself - he doesn't need some bible puncher to annoy the entire planet!
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