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Thread: DISPUTE Submission on E-filing - unable to submit NOO or NOA Disputes - HELP??

  1. #1
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    Exclamation DISPUTE Submission on E-filing - unable to submit NOO or NOA Disputes - HELP??

    I am a Tax Practitioner and have been doing this for really long - but I am struggling for ages now to submit any disputes on e-filing... I fill in the form, reasons, etc and as soon as I click "next", a blank page comes up and my dispute is simply gone without a trace... I am really going to loose my mind... I'm using Firefox with Google as search engine; have tried Edge - same story.
    As a result, my clients' disputes are often submitted late, as, after attempt number 7 or so, I generally feel like throwing my computer out the window and moving to Mars...
    I have screen prints of all the NOO's and NOA's attempted.
    This, btw, has been carrying on since last year - on and off - it worked for a while in July this year, but now -

    Is there some way to save the dispute while in progress - or can I submit it (online) some other
    way (will they accept e-mails??)Been searching around the net the whole morning, and can't find any solutions... Any suggestions and help from anyone having the same problem would be very, very much appreciated!!!

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Mike C's Avatar
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    I don't think that eFiling works very well on Edge which was confirmed recently when a friend contacted SARS with an eFiling problem. I generally use Firefox and from time to time have had to switch to Chrome when there has been a problem.

    Others will have to respond concerning the submission of disputes though, as I can't speak to that.

    Just another thought. Could it have something to do with Flash Player not being up to date?
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