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Thread: A call to all people involved in software

  1. #1
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    Post A call to all people involved in software

    Hi everyone,

    I am posting this to appeal to all agile software practitioners who find themselves as members of teams or organizations practicing agile software development. I am conducting a research project aimed at studying the application of agile software development methods in South Africa, with the aim of answering a single question: “How do agile practitioners overcome the challenges associated with agile software development?”.

    It would be greatly appreciated if you would consider completing a short survey (less than 5 minutes) regarding your experiences in being part of a team or company which has adopted agile development practices. Your response will be extremely valuable in providing the necessary data to answer the aforementioned research question, which will hopefully help improve applications of agile methods.
    To complete the survey, please visit the following link:

    Please feel free to share the survey with any other agile practitioners. Any feedback or discussion regarding the research is also welcomed. Notably, much of the premise of this research is based on the following paper to see if the same challenges and, more importantly, solutions to those challenges are applicable in the local context:

    Ethical clearance has been granted by the University of Pretoria to conduct this research.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    That paper was published in 2005
    Soo much has changed since...

    The idea of software development without enabling at least some level of an agile development environment seems almost laughable nowadays.

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    marcus_bornman (16-Sep-20)

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    That paper was published in 2005
    Soo much has changed since...

    The idea of software development without enabling at least some level of an agile development environment seems almost laughable nowadays.
    Of course, the idea is not to question the efficacy of agile. Rather, given the large proportion of agile projects that still fail in South Africa, the goal is to identify which means can be applied to overcome the challenges associated with ASD, specifically in the local environment. To start off with hypothesis as to what these means may be, we use the challenges identified by the 2005 paper. It may have been published a long while back in relation to the speed at which the industry is moving; but, it exhibits the best quality work done with such high relevance to the research question.

    Rest assured though, the 2005 paper is only used as a starting point to begin to explore the search space - the research will aim to reach much wider than the initial propositions made

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