Has anyone else joined this network marketing company and started their own business for home? I am keen to learn from your experiences.
Has anyone else joined this network marketing company and started their own business for home? I am keen to learn from your experiences.
It is one of two Ponzi / Pyramid schemes running at the moment
The other one is Mirror Trading International
The scams are getting really big as they can attract much more victims thanks to social media platforms, like Facebook and Whatsapp some run for years before imploding.
Crowd1 does seem to be attracting serious questions about whether it is just a thinly disguised pyramid scheme.
One acid test is whether you would buy the product if there was no compensation scheme attached to it. Or perhaps more to the point - what are you marketing, the product or the "opportunity"?
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Thanks for sharing your insight Dave, I have decided to buy one of their educational packages and join them to see how it works in reality lol I think every business is a pyramid scheme because those at the top always earn more than those at the bottom.
According to the research that I have done from watching a few professional you tube videos about Crowd1 they do have a compensation plan for every member in the system and they are also marketing a digital product in the travel industry which seems to be very popular and works similar to Uber and AirBnB .The next product they say to be launched later this year is in the massive worldwide mobile gaming industry.
I would be marketing both their product(s) as well as the opportunity as an entrepreneur and could earn a commission from both. Anyway, there are some very interesting articles to read on their blog including a recent interview from the Devi show.
Hey, so I am a “guinea pig” and will share my experiences with you all because this might just be the beginning of another way of doing business online.
Last edited by alan_martin; 12-Aug-20 at 10:56 AM. Reason: wrong post
Participation is voluntary.
Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
From a site that is looking into MTI:
please let us know how MTI goes. I was invited to a MTI presentation yesterday I’m still doing my research as I am a disappointed crowd1 member.
It’s all lies I joined in Feb 2020 on the black package and I got €0.54 C1 Rewards ( formerly called owner rights) this is because members are so desperate to recruite they will lie to potentials.
Please don’t fall prey to Crowd1 especially if you don’t recruit. I had actually recruited 4 people though.What’s there to research? Crowd1 == Ponzi == MTI.
It’s not like one MLM Ponzi is different from the next.When I saw what was actually going down in MTI I very quickly hit the road.all I have is an email stating their investigation…
If I am honest with you some people will still invest with MTI regardless of what is happening, just look at crowd1 full page on rapport, moneyweb article, fsca warnings people still ignore all these warnings.
I purchased a Titanium educational package and now have access to over 30 career educational
videos about property and real estate. Every Wednesday I receive Crowd1 rewards (like loyalty points because of my purchase) based on the number of members who have joined Crowd1 after me. I have not invested any money, I simply purchased a career educational package for myself.
I noticed that their compensation plan includes a number of bonuses depending on either Crowd1 product referrals and/or by recruiting new members into my team. There are a number of levels in the Crowd1 network. I am currently at starter level so my Crowd1 rewards are based on that level.
In order for me to progress to a higher level in the Crowd1 network I need to either refer products to other people and/or recruit new members into my team and then mentor them to do the same as me. I will not receive much if I don’t lead and motivate my team to build their own network. For example if I am a good sales person and a good team leader then it is possible for me to earn very high commissions, bonus points and even a residual income for life from the Crowd1 system.
There are 5 products in my back-office, some are in pre-launch mode and some have already been launched e.g LifeTRNDS which works similar to AirBnB and Uber. I believe that additional products will be launched towards the end of this year.
I also noticed that there are many opinions about Crowd1, some very bad and some very good but their business model seems to be very popular in the online industry and their membership keeps growing and I have also seen some very encouraging testimonials.
Until next time... cheers
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