How do i do an opening balance in my cashbook so it can reflect in my bank recon, the gen journal does not show it?
Can anyone please help?
How do i do an opening balance in my cashbook so it can reflect in my bank recon, the gen journal does not show it?
Can anyone please help?
Hi Lizelle,
From what I can remember from instructions some years back you enter it via the cash book.
N.B. First make a backup so that if things do not work out as you expected you can restore and start again.
Go into your cash book. Goto receipts enter the date, select G for General Journal. Account = 9990/000 (or whatever your Opening Balance/Suspense Account no is). Reference would be OPENING - Description Take on Balance - VAT = 00 and then the amount that you have in you bank on that date.
Print batch, then update, update receipts batch and close screen.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop "The Lion and the Mouse"
Hi Mike
Thanks so much i do appreciate, i am going to do it and see if i come right.
Thanks Lizelle
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