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Thread: Life after lockdown

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Life after lockdown

    It is gonna be quite a challenge getting use to the PPE required.

    I started work today and found a few things to note:

    The mask ...find a comfortable mask... you dont want to be wearing one that irritates the crap out of you... i used one of thos white ones we normally use for chasing etc... i spent more time scratching my face because it was so dont want to be scratching your face.

    Washing hands ...not a big deal for me ... i always was my hands ...I do it when i enter the building and when i exit the building...even if it is just to collect something from the vehicle... i am thinking it might be an idea to get those wipes they use at the shops for the trolleys and use to wipe down tools.

    shoe covers might be a good idea to get a few boxes ... no matter what you think ... respect your customers wishes.

    Social distancing... you gona find some companies will be strict and you will have to stay away from staff in the building... it might be a good idea to contact the company prior to the visit just to verify their requirements while you on on their turf.

    Be safe guys.
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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Well, we're on level 4, so the wife and I celebrated by taking the dogs for a walk on the beach this morning.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member
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    ...I have to take my daughters clothing shopping to celebrate :-)

  4. #4
    Diamond Member
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    You goatta laugh at some of the face protection ...i went to the chemist to get some batteries (the little ones) ...the face shields which all the staff are wearing dont even cover the entire face... especially the part where they breath ... once again common sense ... she is missing.

    So do you buy a R5 mask or a R150 mask and wear a shield ...only 100 people since the start of this pandemic... the R5 should be fine for now... I just want a comfortable one ...sonsidering most of the research i have done ...indicates they are only around 2 % effective... unless you wear an N95 mask... I tried a bandana but it gets uncomfortable after a period of time.
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member
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    Now we have a new challenge ...the children of this country ...parents start work on Monday ...domestic only starts at level 2 ... school (no comment) ... but seems it will not be opening anytime soon.

    So now we sit with thousands ...maybe even millions of children with nowhere to go... they cant got to the grandparents ...because then you expose them cant drop them off with the neighbour ...because you expose them... visa versa.

    We cant create an after care ...because then you might as well send them to school.

    You could just leave them at home ...but in this country ...parents are not even safe at home alone.

    I would love to hear what you plan to do with your children Monday when you return to work.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    Now we have a new challenge ...the children of this country ...parents start work on Monday ...domestic only starts at level 2 ... school (no comment) ... but seems it will not be opening anytime soon.
    In the very same boat.

    My situation is (and I magine the same for many others) that I work for myself and am the main bread winner where as my girlfriend who works for boss is going back to work soon. Her wage alone will not cover our running costs where as mine would usually cover most essential things (not so sure now as work will take a long time to come back in) but if she doesn't go she will lose her job and there is very slim chance getting another that pays the same - or any job at all in current economic climate.

    So I will be at home looking after our daughter and business running costs won't stop.

    I guess a lot of small business's will get rid of staff as there just won't be any money to pay them.
    UIF came through this month to pay staff but I don't see that is going to be along term solution.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by skatingsparks View Post
    In the very same boat.

    My situation is (and I magine the same for many others) that I work for myself and am the main bread winner where as my girlfriend who works for boss is going back to work soon. Her wage alone will not cover our running costs where as mine would usually cover most essential things (not so sure now as work will take a long time to come back in) but if she doesn't go she will lose her job and there is very slim chance getting another that pays the same - or any job at all in current economic climate.

    So I will be at home looking after our daughter and business running costs won't stop.

    I guess a lot of small business's will get rid of staff as there just won't be any money to pay them.
    UIF came through this month to pay staff but I don't see that is going to be along term solution.
    Exactly the same situation... i run a small business my wife is employed and earns a decent salary ...but not enough to cover the expenses... it looks like she will be working 3 days a week from Tuesday and i have a customer who has got so busy we will be installing new equipment starting Monday i have other work which is suppose to start next week.

    I have also spent a lot of time in training and tinkering with alarm systems ... and now with the new app update ... i can link cameras to zones which can be viewed directly from the hyyp app...gona stay away from the entry level systems ...the armed response companies can fight over them.

    I have spent a lot of time learning and installing cctv system which i will be offering to all my customers.

    I am also considering offering my thermal imaging services to large companies ..... most companies have bought those entry level spot meters... but it might pay to do random checks with a thermal camera on a weekly basis.

    It looks like all my power quality analysing equipmant will also be on site from Monday.

    Here i was concerned that there would minimal work.

    Be prepared ... buildings have been empty... systems shutdown ... from monday the issues are going to surface and it could result in a surge of electrical problems... make sure you are ready.
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  8. #8
    Diamond Member
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    We are looking at leaving our daughter with a friend... the reality is the child cant stay at home alone ... with a daily murder rate (reduce since lockdown to only around 36 per day) ..the crazy amount of crime going on ... and a virus death rate of only around 100 since the beginning ...i will take my chance with the virus.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ians View Post
    We are looking at leaving our daughter with a friend... the reality is the child cant stay at home alone ... with a daily murder rate (reduce since lockdown to only around 36 per day) ..the crazy amount of crime going on ... and a virus death rate of only around 100 since the beginning ...i will take my chance with the virus.
    The crime rate is going to skyrocket!

  10. #10
    Diamond Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    The crime rate is going to skyrocket!
    You must have been lockdown in a closed room ...the crime started 2 days after the lockdown my first callout during the lockdown was to retrieve video footage from a building we were renovating before lockdown...It seems the media are keeping crime on the lockdown... today a 90 year women held up at gun and robbed of R2000 ...a cellphone and yippeeee she wasnt beaten half to death ...maybe because she offered the pieces of shyte a cup of coffee... just image being 90 years old and being bullied by some ******* pieces of shyte that has no respect for old people.

    11 hits on 1 property

    let me rather just do what everyone does about crime in this day and age ...shut the **** up before i get myself into trouble again.
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