This is intere4sting information in this video.
This is intere4sting information in this video.
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
Around 57:00 ...they discuss wire colours... i bought a motion sensor from AC/DC ...didnt think twice about it ...connected the unit and there was a massive explosion... the reason (i know i should have checked the instruction manual) the black wire is live ...i had connected the black to the neutral ...much like the old national day/night sensor... national must have had so many returns... as companies started dumping unskilled eleconops on site to do the wiring and connection ...eventually they followed the SABS standard and now their day/night sensors wired using the standard colours for SA.
The question i ask myself is why has AC/DC not been reported and all these products they are selling with the black wire as the live removed from the shelves ...they definitely dont have an SABS stamp of approval ...Is there someone taking a bribe to allow these products to be sold in SA or have the regs been dropped to allow any sub standard products to be sold ...It seems AC/DC is becoming more like a really expensive fancy looking china mall.... the only reason i dont buy from electromechanica is because ther ecustomer serve in Durban sucks and they all the way in Nandi drive... back in the day when i built control panels ...klockner moeller was my first choice then electromechanica.
Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.
ACDC is not well known for quality, I have learnt the hard way by fitting equipment that had to be replaced even before commissioning it. I don’t think it is ACDC’s fault as their business is about making money, but our big electrical associations thats turning a blind eye to things like standards and quality.
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