15 February has come and gone ...which leaves me with less than one year to go... to reach my 30 years of being self employed goal.
Life is about goals...some big some small...the important thing in life is to have goals.
The best thing that could ever have happened was that bank manager making a comment that I wouldnt last 5 years and i would be out on the street unemployed and broke...that was my first goal ...to make sure my business lasted at least 5 years ...which came and went... then it was to reach 10 years ...by ten years it wasn't even a challenge anymore ...just business as usual.
It has been a long difficult journey... no business plan ...no capital... no trust fund or pension payout to help get started... just hard work...long hours and lots of mistakes.
When I set out on this journey I thought with a lot of hard work it would take a few years and i could sit back and enjoy the bundle of cash i had built up... drive a nice car... live in a big house and life would be great... well if that is what you think being self employed is all about i have bad news for you.
I made a decision when i started that i would never stoop that low that i would pay bribes or allow myself to get suckered into under hand deals... i can sit here today and honestly say i have never done it... i still dont advertise ...every single job has been a referral from another person or company or people who have visited a site where i have been working.
So what is the plan ...new goal for next year ...i need to get through this year first...then i will decide.
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