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Thread: Pastel Partner transfer from main bank account to call account

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Red face Pastel Partner transfer from main bank account to call account

    I made a code error transferring cash from the main bank account to a call account. The main bank account reconciles but not the call account. The cash books are correct but the ledger account for the call account is incorrect. How do I correct this? I have tried correcting the error through the main bank account without success.
    Kind regards

  2. #2
    Silver Member
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    You can't post from 1 cashbook directly to another. You need to make the payment from the 1 cashbook against a suspense account, then do the receipt in the other cashbook to the same suspense account, clearing out the balance in suspense.
    If you posted in the current cashbook to the call account, you change the ledger balance in the call account, but the entry doesn't appear on the recon. I assume you then captured the entry in the call account as it wasn't reflecting there?

    You best bet to tracking down and resolving the issue - print both cashbook details. Reverse each entry that shows up on the cashbook details, using the same reference and date, but changing the sign to a negative amount, in the cashbook / entry type you raised it in. Once all entries are reversed, make the payment from the main account to a 9990/000 suspense account. Open the Call cashbook and receive the money against the same suspense account.

    Moving forward - create a GL account, eg 9998/000. Make it a balance sheet account with financial category bank, but do not set it as a cashbook, and call it "cashbook transfer". Go into setup - company parameters. On the second tab - settings - at the bottom go and set the cashbook transfer to 9980/000. In future, when you have to process a transfer, go into the cashbook the money is being paid from, and select the transfer button at the bottom. Choose which cashbook you are transferring to, fill in the information and select process. The entry will now reflect in the second cashbook. You will not raise the entry in the second cashbook again, as it will already be there.

  3. #3
    Email problem
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    Holy Mackerel!! Thank you anyway.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Is there a reason why Pastel doesn't provide for direct cashbook to cashbook entries?

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