So much for my new favourite connector... got a call from a mate to say the connector i gave him almost caught on fire.

I went and collected the faulty unit ot return to the supplier to investigate ...why it burnt.

So a few question to him...

what did you connect ...he had it connected to a feed from solar panels drawing around 25 amps... i noticed none of the others where not burnt .

My thought ...he didnt push the wire all the way into the connector ...something i drum into to staff and everyone who i give these connectors.

or ... it could have got bumped and come the clip down lever lifted... a big problem with these connectors when pushing the wires in a junction or the likes... this is why the maintenance free box designed for these connectors is the best solution.

or ... the 25 amp DC load switching load requires a DC rated connector... but not convinced because the connector should not be opening and closing ...once locked into place the wires are secure.