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Thread: Error on VAT Return Filed

  1. #1
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    Error on VAT Return Filed

    Hi Everyone

    I just have a quick question

    I have picked up an error in the Input Tax amount filed on a VAT Return for my husbands company.

    It appears that the data capturer has recorded the same Tax Invoice in the 09/10 Return and the 11/12 Return constituting a double claim for the same invoice.

    The VAT amount is around R 510.00

    My Question is how would one go about correcting this error?

    Can it be corrected in the Jan/Feb Return by decreasing the Input Tax figure by R 510.00?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    You need to reverse the erroneously captured transaction regardless. Whether it is worth reopening and resubmitting an already filed VAT return or just processing it in the next period is...

    Personally, I don't like poking the bear when it comes to matters that are relatively trivial. A minor error corrected in the very next period... It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission if for some bizarre reason it becomes an issue.

    Probably more important to understand how/why the double capture occurred in the first place - and make sure you put processes in place to capture any future incidents.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    You need to reverse the erroneously captured transaction regardless. Whether it is worth reopening and resubmitting an already filed VAT return or just processing it in the next period is...

    Personally, I don't like poking the bear when it comes to matters that are relatively trivial. A minor error corrected in the very next period... It's easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission if for some bizarre reason it becomes an issue.

    Probably more important to understand how/why the double capture occurred in the first place - and make sure you put processes in place to capture any future incidents.
    Hi Dave

    Thank You I was feeling very reluctant to file a correction I think I will just correct it in the next VAT Period

    From what I have been told the Error occurred because the VAT returns needed to be filed using a manual calculation and not through Pastel like usual due to a hardware malfunction and I think because the invoice was only paid the following month it was thought to have not been claimed triggering the double manual claim.

    Do I just adjust the Input VAT Figure on the VAT Return as the Physical Tax Invoice was not captured through Pastel and doesn't show the TAX in the Tax Account?

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    You need to reverse the error. If it was an error in Input VAT only, then that is all that needs to be corrected. My only other comment is make lots of notes. There's nothing like examining an unusual transaction a year later and trying to recall or figure out the details of exactly why it was done.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    You need to reverse the error. If it was an error in Input VAT only, then that is all that needs to be corrected. My only other comment is make lots of notes. There's nothing like examining an unusual transaction a year later and trying to recall or figure out the details of exactly why it was done.
    Thanks Dave! I'll do that and pop it in the VAT File

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