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Thread: Better working conditions

  1. #1
    Diamond Member
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    Better working conditions

    I go to work and i am expected to work in the hottest most uncomfortable working environment wearing the most uncomfortable badly designed safety gear... with no consideration for my well being... but rather the companies risk factor.

    You can see the union fat cats have no consideration for the people they represent... if they had any consideration for the people they represent... i have never heard of a union complaining about the hot condition we are exposed to.

    My question ...when is someone going to stand up for the workers and say enough is enough... consideration for site workers... working in extreme heat and expected to carry out hard labour wearing the most ridiculous safety gear?

    I wonder why a person who sits in an office all day doing very little if any physical work should require an aircon ?
    Last edited by ians; 15-Jan-20 at 08:10 AM.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Unfortunately this is the reality of us blue overall workers. We are seen as workers, not staff, we have to ask for permission from that guy in the office to go to the toilet and have to use that dirty outside toilet with no toilet paper. Wearing a overall and safety boots that was the cheapest they could possibly find, the size isn’t even right but you now comply to the office guy’s safety standards. I had my fair share of working with lots of different safety officers who sits in that air-conditioned office., Experience have taught me don’t trust that guy with your safety he needs to look good on paper and he have no idea of your job’s real safety concerns, that you keep as your life saving secret and out of that guy’s control.

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