As a small business of the biggest challenges i face on a daily basis is trying to juggle work load.
Things go quiet so i rush out and find more work... 2 days later i cant keep up with the work load and so i gain 2 customers and loose another...most of my customers will wait 3-4 weeks for me to complete a project... knowing that when i start their project I will have the same focus and attention to details on their project.
Then you get the once in a blue moon customer... the one who calls you every 2 -5 years... who needs their problem sorted out within a day... or the urgent breakdowns.
So i tried using other small businesses to assist with the work load... bad idea ...every 5 minutes my phone is ringing with questions from the person who is attending to the job.
or a couple days or weeks later... I go to site to find the small business has left his card and advised my customer to contact him directly if they need any work done in the future.
Generally these small companies dont last due to their bad morals and work ethic... people talk... a lot more about bad than good.
If small business could unite and find a solution to this problem... I believe it would create a better work environment and keep more one man operation in business.
I spent many years going to ECA meeting and listening to all the contractors complaining about the same old same old ... it's was like a broken record... i could bet my old punctured bicycle tubes that the same old tune is playing 15 years later.
I still hear the same tune at the wholesalers... the low prices... the bad workmanship of the other contractors etc etc.
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