Good day
I have a friend with a very old version of Pastel (v2005), she had it installed on a windows 7 computer which crashed and has therefore, forced her to use another machine. She has re-installed it no problems with the registration or anything, but when she tries to open any of the companies which she retrieved from the hard drive backup, she gets the error "The current version of Pastel Partner 2005 does not correspond to the database version". When I try to look at the backed up info from the old hard drive it looks like she may have been running Pervasive 8.1.2 and the version installed from her CD is 8.6.
I am not very familiar with the older versions of Pastel so am not sure how to try and help her.
She only uses it to do one or two invoices a week and cannot really afford to upgrade right now.

Thank you in advance.