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Thread: SANS 163-2 Socket Outlets

  1. #1
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    SANS 163-2 Socket Outlets

    Hi Everyone. What are the opinions on the new socket outlets. SANS says all socket outlets in a new installation shall comply with SANS164-2. What is deemed a new installation - nothing is defined. Would an existing industrial installation where new plant is installed still be deemed a 'new installation'. I am assuming so.
    I know there is a lot of chatter about this subject and a lot of different interpretations about it. Once again it seems to be a grey area. When this regulation became effective in January 2018 you could not get industrial switched sockets that complied with the regulation. I see now they are starting to appear.

  2. #2
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    I watch with interest.
    Comments are based on opinion...not always facts....that's why people use an alias.

  3. #3
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    To my knowledge every new installation must have at least one of these euro sockets, I think it will be increased as time goes on until the old three pins are phased out completely.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rifrug View Post
    To my knowledge every new installation must have at least one of these euro sockets, I think it will be increased as time goes on until the old three pins are phased out completely.

    Each socket outlet on a new installation must either be a euro socket or a combination of the euro socket and the "old" socket outlet.

    On new installations we only install what the wholesalers refer to as combo's. ( euro and "old" socket combination. )


  5. #5
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    You would think with the regulations and definitions that the answer would be str forward -

    With the definition of electrical installation in the front of Sans 10142-1 , and you add "new" in front of electrical installations as written in and you have an answer .
    To me the English says any new piece of installation that gets done in an existing premises needs to have a euro socket.There should actually be no use for an Old single or Duo Socket anymore.

    I have seen the different interpretations and still struggle to see why there are different interpretations

    electrical installation
    machinery, in or on any premises, that is used for the transmission of
    electrical energy from a point of control (see 3.56) to a point of
    consumption (see 3.55) anywhere on the premises, including any article
    that forms part of such an installation, irrespective of whether or not it is part
    of the electrical circuit, but excluding
    a) any machinery of the supplier that is related to the supply of electricity on
    the premises,
    b) any machinery that is used for the transmission of electricity of which the
    voltage does not exceed 50 V, where such electricity is not derived from
    the main supply of a supplier, and
    c) any machinery that transmits electrical energy in telecommunication,
    television or radio circuits

    [I] Except where otherwise specified in this part of SANS 10142,
    single-phase socket-outlets for general use (see also shall
    a) be of the two-pole and earthing contact type,
    b) comply with SANS 164-0,
    c) effective from January 2018 all socket-outlet points for new electrical
    shall include at least one socket-outlet complying with the
    dimensions of SANS 164-2. Socket-outlets points may also include
    socket-outlets complying with the dimentions of SANS 164-1.[/I]

  6. #6
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    GCE noted and thank you. That is basically my thoughts on the subject. As industrial switched socket outlets are only now appearing I would imagine quite a few installation didnt comply.

    I have read that there has been 'interpretations' of this regulation and that they meant this and they meant that but as you have said it appears straight forward. I am currently working on a Small Power & Lighting project design where I have marked on the GA's that the socket outlets must comply with SANS so it will be interesting to see what the contractor installs and signs off.

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    New SANS Sockets

    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post

    Each socket outlet on a new installation must either be a euro socket or a combination of the euro socket and the "old" socket outlet.

    On new installations we only install what the wholesalers refer to as combo's. ( euro and "old" socket combination. )

    I had them fitted in our retirement cottage when we update it, use the Veti modular sockets. I have only retrofitted a few slimline plug as my old hands find it very difficult to get the wires cut to length and jammed into the limited space. Do you by any chance have a template for the termination? Another thing that bugs me is that the plugs are easily partially disconnected when our domestic has cleaned the cottage. Inevitable i have to push our bedside light plug back in its place.

  8. #8
    Platinum Member Derlyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pedruid View Post
    I had them fitted in our retirement cottage when we update it, use the Veti modular sockets. I have only retrofitted a few slimline plug as my old hands find it very difficult to get the wires cut to length and jammed into the limited space. Do you by any chance have a template for the termination? Another thing that bugs me is that the plugs are easily partially disconnected when our domestic has cleaned the cottage. Inevitable i have to push our bedside light plug back in its place.
    In my opinion, Veti is gemors. I have already replaced plenty of them with other brands, namely CBI, Schneider S2000 range and I really like the Pipelli range from Lesco. That said, it does not matter on the brand of socket outlet used, if they are secured properly with FOUR screws, then they should be secure. Pipelli is handy because their covers are slightly larger than the other brands thus covering the painting lines around switches and plugs.


  9. #9
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    I agree on veti.
    I don't like the veti 1 range. We are using them on a big project but they don't last. We keep replacing them. The switches give lot of problems and the front part of plug sometimes break off exposing live pins that is very unsafe. I don’t know if the veti 2 is better but I am very wary of them.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Derlyn View Post
    In my opinion, Veti is gemors. I have already replaced plenty of them with other brands, namely CBI, Schneider S2000 range and I really like the Pipelli range from Lesco. That said, it does not matter on the brand of socket outlet used, if they are secured properly with FOUR screws, then they should be secure. Pipelli is handy because their covers are slightly larger than the other brands thus covering the painting lines around switches and plugs.

    Thanks, however, I don’t experience loose sockets, it’s the plug.

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