Hi there,
Our general ledger accounts are in a mess. Sometime ago I think it was Neville who sugested I look at getting this module. Below is the only description I can find about what the GL Ledger Manager module can do. I have two questions:
Question 1:
If I have an account with 100 transactions and 30 of the transactions belong in some other account. Will the General Ledger Manager help me easily transfer these 30 transactions to their correct GL account?
Question 2:
Can anyone vouch for this module? Is it realtively bug free and easy to figure out how to use? Is there sufficient documentation in the pastel help file to get me by?
Thanks very much as always,
The General Ledger Manager module allows you to make changes to your General Ledger that is not possible to do by editing accounts. You would use the General Ledger Manager to restructure your General Ledger to reflect changes in your business or to correct errors that have been made when creating accounts. For example if you selected the incorrect chart of accounts when creating your company and have then worked in the company, you can adjust the General Ledger using this module.
• Renumber General Ledger Accounts.
• Delete General Ledger Accounts.
• Consolidate General Ledger Accounts.
• Change Financial Categories.
• Change GAAP Categories.
• Print the Audit Trail.
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