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Thread: Fixing cust. age analysis - Customer balance needs to be zero'd out

  1. #1
    Bronze Member michellepace's Avatar
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    Question Fixing cust. age analysis - Customer balance needs to be zero'd out


    I have a customer called FLSM01 in our age analysis for R707,076.00. This amount has been hanging around in our age analysis for about 4 years now. Nobody can remember how it go there. All we know is that FLSM01 does not owe us any money at all. In fact, we blocked this customer's account as it no longer exists. In fact there is absolutely nothing in their detailed ledger for this FY or last.

    How can I close off this amount without throwing out my reporting figures? It just simply needs to be deleted.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	a.jpg 
Views:	318 
Size:	24.8 KB 
ID:	7665

    (this is the last of my fixing the age analysis post series )

    Thanks very much,

  2. #2
    Full Member
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    Hi Michelle

    Wow, this is a strange one. Just deleting this will obviously through your entire TB out of balance.

    Looking at the size of the value I assume this is material for management and your auditors, so we need to closely consider how to approach this. My logic tells me that if debtors is overstated by R707,076, something else is also out by the same amount on the opposite side (credit).

    I would seriously consider investigating what the original transaction looked like. It is the ideal time to do this as you indicated that this happened 4 years ago. So the live PSQL database still has the original transaction which can be viewed in its totality. With the original entry in front of you I believe you will be able to make an informed decision on next steps to correct it.

    If you are not able to view the transactions of 4 years ago, our MyBI Apps can be used to do this. Happy to assist if you if you need it.

    I hope my feedback has been helpful.

    Thanks again for taking the time to ask.

    Have a great weekend.

    Kindest regards,
    Alec Candiotes (CA) SA
    Business Intelligence and Report Automation developer • 072 997 9553

  3. #3
    Bronze Member michellepace's Avatar
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    Hi Alec, Thanks again for replying. I'm afraid not - I have lost all the history. I ran Change > Delete History / Clear Files last year sometime. I consolidated everything which was older than 2 years. When I run the below against the Pastel database I get absolutely no rows returned. I have no history for very old and redundant customer.
    select * from HistoryLines WHERE CustomerCode = 'FLSM01'  //   ZERO rows returned 

    QUESTION: Knowing that I have no history, anyone got any idea on how I can zero this amount out such that:
    • It no longer appears in my age analysis
    • My reporting numbers don't get thrown out
    • I can delete this customer once and for all

    As always, thank you

  4. #4
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    Ok cool. Michelle do you have an old backup of this database before your did the Delete History? Perhaps querying that database would at least give you insight into how it was created and what the other leg should be when you reverse it in your live database.

    Kindest regards,
    Alec Candiotes (CA) SA
    Business Intelligence and Report Automation developer • 072 997 9553

  5. #5
    Silver Member
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    Hi Michelle

    You should have year end backups / prior year databases. You can track down the information there. Is it just on the ageing, or does the customer detailed ledger also have the same opening balance? If the ledger is nil, it might point to a data corruption, which can be easily cleared without affecting your figures. If the ledger has a balance, you will need to write it off against another account.

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