Originally Posted by
Kevin Smith
Hi Danny
There are some possible workarounds. There is the "make one for all" invoice option. This allows you to create an invoice with the information you need on it as the first invoice in a batch. You then select Batch - Make one for all. You can choose to do this by customer category. If you tick the checkbox to "update selling prices" the system will update the price accordingly. There are multiple ways to get the price changed. I will try explain a few options below, depending on how you invoice.
Create a customer category called "Recurring Services" (RS). Edit the customer accounts this applies to and put them in that category. Create the invoice with the line item description "Fees for August" (must be 1st invoice in batch). Batch - make one for all - select the category RS. You will now have invoices for all the customers. Repeat next month with description "Fees for September" on the first invoice. You can also create an additional user in Pastel, then jump to that user when processing recurring batches/make one for all invoicing, so we don't have to worry about other open invoices in your standard batches. You can also set the "Customer Reference" on the first invoice to "FEES FOR AUGUST", and this will repeat throughout the batch.
If you have a fixed fee per client, this is easy. If this varies per customer, you need to make some additional changes. Create an inventory item as a service item, for Garden Services. In partner you have up to 10 pricelists. Set the selling price for each price list for that item. Edit the customers, and on their terms tab, change them to the relevant pricelist. When you "Make One For all", select update selling prices, and their price will change according to their pricelist.
If you have even more price variations, you can go into Edit ... Customer ... Customer Prices. Create/Edit a customer price list, with volumetric discounts. Choose the Garden Services Item, then add each customer, with a qty of 1, and their specific price. Set the Expiry date to a date far in the future. As long as this price is lower than the selling price on the first invoice in the MOFA batch, when you MOFA and update selling prices, their individual price will reflect on the invoice.
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