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Thread: Pastel 19 - Statement overrun bottom of page

  1. #1
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    Pastel 19 - Statement overrun bottom of page

    Hi Guys,

    I'm printing statements for customers and one of my big customers (multiple pages) and have statement detail lines running over the bottom of the page and out of the frame with no balances showing and the next page no frames and just detail lines. The frst page also does not contain any detail lines.
    I also noticed that on one of my other big customers, with multiple page statement, the statement pulls through fine using the same filter parameters

    I am using standard forms. I also changeed the printers to see if it isnt the driver and also ensured that the processing tabs are the same on the two customers' materfiles and that the printers are set to A4. I also checked the printer setup as a matter of troubleshooting without any changes.

    Any ideas?

    Appreciate the feedback!

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    Most likely the description column on the statement layout is too narrow, thereby causing the detail to wrap over to the next line, which will cause the problems you have described.

    The problem can be fixed in Forms Designer, by editing the relevant statement form file and widening the description column, making sure that you don't overlap with either of the adjacent columns. You might need to make some of the other columns a bit narrower and move them to make space for the wider description column.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neville Bailey View Post
    Most likely the description column on the statement layout is too narrow, thereby causing the detail to wrap over to the next line, which will cause the problems you have described.

    The problem can be fixed in Forms Designer, by editing the relevant statement form file and widening the description column, making sure that you don't overlap with either of the adjacent columns. You might need to make some of the other columns a bit narrower and move them to make space for the wider description column.
    Thanks for the reply Neville.
    I have edited the form in the company folder (CSMTHSP.ENG) and made the columns wider/narrower to fit the text in one line which helped a little but to no avail.
    I then also edited the font setup (File > Printer/Font setup > Customer Tab (main) > Statement tab (sub) to a smaller font and in this case Arial Narrow 7. It made that the text fit to one line (even better) but it was still running over and into the balances section in the footer (and over the frame of the detail section).

    An alternative solution explored was to also set the statements to Always print in balance forward format which I cannot use as I need to see which invoices were matched with a payment. Menu path: Setup > Customers > Control > Statements tab > tick box on/off

    I ended up having to use a custom form obtained from Sage directly in order to resolve (last resort).

    Thanks for all the help!

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