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Thread: Peter Hain targets Bain & Co over premeditated capture of SARS

  1. #1
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Peter Hain targets Bain & Co over premeditated capture of SARS

    Who is behind the shenanigans of these international companies disrupting South African government institutions?
    What was the agenda and goal for international corporate companies such as Bell Pottinger, KPMG, McKinsey, HSBC and Bain & Co?
    No doubt there are more to be exposed; working as consultants to political figures who are hell bent for power and looting of our national assets.

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    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    The Eskom saga has revealed so much corruption in government, but also the involvement of foreign companies who come to Africa for the sole purpose of making a quick buck. British and American companies are notorious bribers and the Brits even started a war against the Boer republics to get control over our gold and diamond reserves. Even the squeaky clean Swiss are not so squeaky clean. (See article attached). At least now some of the chickens are coming home to roost.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

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    GCE (10-Mar-23)

  4. #3
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    The Special Tribunal has ordered German software company SAP to pay around R500 million to the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) within seven days for its involvement in corrupt Gupta-linked contracts at Eskom.

    We have seen so many similar reports involving multinational listed companies. The hubris of these big corporations, their greed and arrogance knows no end. They have little respect for suppliers and customers and it is almost impossible to fight them in court. They have such deep pockets they can bankrupt a smaller company by just drawing a court case out for years.

    Never think that you are safe when dealing with one of these big corporates. I have also made the mistake to think that if they are listed on the stock exchange everything is audited and above board. No such luck! They know just how to manipulate and hide facts and figures! Read contracts carefully and never get bullied into a 60 or 90 day credit agreement.
    Excellence is not a skill; its an attitude...

  5. Thanks given for this post:

    Derlyn (28-Mar-24)

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