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Thread: BEE Exemption Certificate

  1. #1
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    BEE Exemption Certificate

    I received this email today...

    Dear Business Owner
    When you apply for a BEE Exemption Certificate please take note that only a member of ABVA can issue this certificate. It came to our attention that numerous companies are marketing this service without themselves being registered with ABVA (Association of BEE Verification Agencies). The only other alternative is a letter from your accountants stating that your turnover is less than R5 million per annum, this however do not give you a scorecard or a score or a procurement recognition level your customers can use to get points on the procurement element of their scorecard.
    BEE Rating Solutions (ABVA FULL MEMBERSHIP NO: BVA 049) provides Exemption Certificates at a discounted rate, R490 plus VAT, until 14 December 2007. We also assist companies with QSE scorecards, Generic and Construction Sector scorecards.
    To the best of my knowledge this is incorrect. SANAS the accreditation body have not accredited any agencies as yet.

    For more info about ABVA and there misrepresentation read econobee
    Last edited by Dave A; 27-Jul-08 at 12:44 PM.
    Vincent Marino
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  3. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I had a long discussion with a "BEE verification agency" a few weeks ago. The SANAS delay in awarding accreditation has been a most unexpected and inconvenient challenge for those who have committed themselves to this cash cow being the providor of their financial future.

    So it seems they have agreed amongst themselves that in the interim those who have joined ABVA may be deemed as "accredited" and considered to satisfy the requirements of the legislation. That this convenient arrangement would seem unsupported by law seems trivial compared to the importance of getting the income flowing. After all, they need to be able to put bread on the table and BMWs in the garage.

  4. #3
    Silver Member Vincent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    I had a long discussion with a "BEE verification agency" a few weeks ago. The SANAS delay in awarding accreditation has been a most unexpected and inconvenient challenge for those who have committed themselves to this cash cow being the providor of their financial future.

    So it seems they have agreed amongst themselves that in the interim those who have joined ABVA may be deemed as "accredited" and considered to satisfy the requirements of the legislation. That this convenient arrangement would seem unsupported by law seems trivial compared to the importance of getting the income flowing. After all, they need to be able to put bread on the table and BMWs in the garage.
    I sent the above email to Keith Levenstein of econobee who has taken ABSA, Empowerdex, and EMEX to the competition board, and according to Keith, "The next step is for the Competition Commission to decide if there is sufficient reason to investigate further and then proceed with a prosecution."

    In the meantime, I received a revised email from the same company stating...


    Dear Business Owner
    When you apply for a BEE Exemption Certificate please take note that members of ABVA or Verification Agencies that have applied to SANAS for accreditation can issue this certificate. Alternatively a letter from your accountants stating that your turnover is less than R5 million per annum will also give you a procurement recognition level of 65%.

    This is still not 100% correct but they are getting there...

    So maybe these rating agencies are feeding off our ignorance and charging these ridiculous fees because of it.
    Vincent Marino
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  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Alternatively a letter from your accountants stating that your turnover is less than R5 million per annum will also give you a procurement recognition level of 65%.
    *COUGH* 100%... Right?
    110% if ownership is 50.1% or more black.

    And these folk are supposed to be proficient, professional BEE assessors?

  6. #5
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    And now to add to this if your turnover is between R5m and R35m you have to use an "accredited" agency. From business report "Under the new policy, it will no longer be acceptable for businesses with annual turnover of R5 million or more to conduct self-assessment to determine their BEE credentials." link is here
    The answer is to keep your turnover below R5m. Just like for employment equity keep your staff numbers low.
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  7. #6
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    No evidence of any consultation on the change either. From the same report:
    Sally O'Shea, who runs a portable toilet hire company in Cape Town, criticised the department for failing to adequately publicise the new rules.

    "This document is affecting us, and its implication should have been directly communicated with us," said O'Shea.

    "The small business sector is facing enormous cash flow challenges. The [verification costs] could be better used for training and other skills development programmes."

    But trade and industry spokesperson Vukani Mde dismissed concerns that the costs would be a burden on small businesses. Mde said firms with a turnover of more than R5 million should be able to afford to pay rating agencies.

    "Fronting is a big problem when it comes to effective implementation of BEE," Mde said. "This charter is meant to help regulate the industry."
    The BEE verification agencies must be delighted with their much bigger market.

  8. #7
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    Received from a client:

    Request BEE rating, and would like to find out if your company is a value added suppler meaning, your enterprise net profit before tax plus total labour costs exceeds 2% of value of its Total Revenue?

    Is this a reasonable request for B.E.E. compliance?


  9. #8
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    A new one to me.

    I'm trying to figure out the value of what might be learnt from the question, though. Let's guess for a moment that the goal is to identify fronting companies....

    Actually, in a few cases I know of, that question would reveal it (if it was ever given an honest answer). They generally have absolutely no costs because it's set up as a shell that conduits the work to the "real" providor.

    But all you need is to have the fronting company skim 2.1% towards profit, or pad some wage/salary costs into the shell company.

    Depending on how they are structured, JV's might also get flagged by this question.

  10. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Reading back on some earlier posts in this thread:
    Quote Originally Posted by IanF View Post
    And now to add to this if your turnover is between R5m and R35m you have to use an "accredited" agency.
    The answer is to keep your turnover below R5m. Just like for employment equity keep your staff numbers low.
    I'm getting a fair number of calls from verification agencies saying that I need to get assessed and certified as an Exempt Enterprise by a verification agency - the quoted rate for certification is averaging about R850.00.

    I've pointed out that a letter from my auditor confirming turnover below R5million has proved acceptable so far - they seem sceptical that my "luck" is going to continue much longer.

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  11. #10
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yvonne View Post
    Received from a client:

    Request BEE rating, and would like to find out if your company is a value added suppler meaning, your enterprise net profit before tax plus total labour costs exceeds 2% of value of its Total Revenue?

    Is this a reasonable request for B.E.E. compliance?
    Yvonne - One of the questions off the bee.dti website is this:

    Is your enterprise a value-adding supplier in terms of the dti Codes of Good Practice?

    And the help screen on that particular question has this:
    In order to assess if your enterprise is a value-adding supplier, follow the formula below:

    C = A/B

    If C > 25%, then you are a value-adding supplier

    A = Net profit + Labour costs
    B = Annual turnover
    So it seems the question needs to be asked and answered, but your client seems to have messed up on the formula.

    It also seems pretty clear that the goal of the question is to identify and prevent fronting, which is a good thing in my opinion.

  12. Thanks given for this post:

    Yvonne (18-Sep-08)

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