When requesting the age analysis, some customers have an O/I diff.
Can this problem be fixed by simply converting all the customers first to “balance forward” and then back to “open item” again? I think/hope that it will fix the O/I diff and will result in one total amount for all the outstanding invoices (which can be matched as the payments are made and new invoices after this will display individually under open item matching) – will it work?
The company setup is Open Item matching, but some customers have been manually changed to balance forward. The above should fix it so that all is open item right?
Then another question: am I correct that the O/I diff and the subsequent funny-looking age analysis has no influence on the total amount outstanding according to the detailed ledgers? In other words the “total due” amounts in the age analysis are the same as the individual detailed ledgers total, therefore that is the actual amount outstanding (irrespective of the ageing).
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