Hi. I am really struggling to find the answers to the following question regarding the issuing of the authorized shares of a private company (even after literally hundreds of Google searches and reading of hundreds more pages):
How does a person/persons who starts a business in the form of a (Pty) Ltd. (whether as Incorporators themselves or through another Incorporator) aquires all or some of the authorized shares?
They will be the Original shareholders I think, and I found that some people refer to the Original Share Certificate as if it has more value than subsequent Share Certificates, but no-one says why.
I know that subsequent shares must be bought and paid for by the new shareholders according to the Company Law, which is right, but must the real owners of the company (the entrepreneurs who started the business and may have gone through hell to have gotten it established) also BUY the original shares to become shareholders, seeing that it is the shareholders who are the legal owners of the company?
If so, it just does not feel right.
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