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Thread: COID Letter of good standing

  1. #1
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    COID Letter of good standing

    I hope this is the correct area?

    Please could anyone confirm this for me. I require the following for a visa extension:-

    'A letter of confirmation from the Department of Labour that at least 60% of the total staff complement employed in the operations of the business are citizens or permanent residents employed permanently in various positions'.

    I have been informed that this is covered within a Letter of Good Standing from the Compensation Fund. This would make sense to me, as you need an employee in place to pay the CF. However, if my information is incorrect, would anyone know how I would obtain such confirmation from the Department of Labour? Proof of contributions to the CF is also required separately.

    I also have proof of contributions to the UIF (up until the new system stopped working), so surely this would also help with these requirements?

    Could anyone assist? Any help gratefully received! Thanks.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bexter12 View Post
    I hope this is the correct area?

    Please could anyone confirm this for me. I require the following for a visa extension:-

    'A letter of confirmation from the Department of Labour that at least 60% of the total staff complement employed in the operations of the business are citizens or permanent residents employed permanently in various positions'.

    I have been informed that this is covered within a Letter of Good Standing from the Compensation Fund. This would make sense to me, as you need an employee in place to pay the CF. However, if my information is incorrect, would anyone know how I would obtain such confirmation from the Department of Labour? Proof of contributions to the CF is also required separately.

    I also have proof of contributions to the UIF (up until the new system stopped working), so surely this would also help with these requirements?

    Could anyone assist? Any help gratefully received! Thanks.

    Herewith the Compensation fund website to submit returns and obtain letter of good standing

  3. #3
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    Hi, thank you so much for replying.

    I have gone so far as registered and am about to pay the amount due to the CF, but looking at the CF guidance it would seem that this letter does not cover the specific point required to be confirmed by the Department of Labour!

    So, I just rang VFS and asked about the letter, and the chap I spoke to confirmed that the Letter of Good Standing from the CF did not cover this point, and that I have to go to the Department of Labour and ask for a letter to confirm this!

    I cannot find anything on the Labour website to show how I go about this.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I can't see Workman's Compensation being any help with what you need because it doesn't collect the sort of information needed to make such an employee profile assessment.

    Your uif returns are the only thing you submit to the Department of Labour with the sort of data that would indicate the profile of your employees.

  5. #5
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    Cheers Dave, I appreciate the help. I agree with you. I've emailed our most local Labour office to see what I have to do.

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