It's quite hard for me to make this decision, of course.. I do not know whether or not things will go out the way I want them to, everything could go wrong the second I step foot in South Africa, who knows?

I definitely cannot see the future, and I can't say sure whether it's a good idea to go back to South Africa or not.

However.. I do have an extreme feeling that it's bad idea, here's why I'm hesitant to decided NOT to go because of how corrupt it is at the moment.

On one hand, I can see much of South Africa's negatives, which are quite a lot nowadays.
But then I see it's positives, and I think it's not that bad if I moved back..

I feel like things are going to hell, but everything is ok at the same time. It's a third world country, but it's also home. It's full of crime but it's full of nice people.
