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Thread: PVC flexible conduit

  1. #1
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    PVC flexible conduit

    I recently completed my U/S inspection and certification of a three phase industrial/commercial installations, and according to my trainer the use of pvc flexible conduits on a permanent installation was never approved, however we have a general regulation on flexible conduits in SANS 10142, clause
    I would like to know the specs of this item from SANS 61386-23, if anyone with this document can at least e-mail me the section prohibiting the use of flexible pvc conduits in a permanent installation.

  2. #2
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    With regards to installation of flexible conduit not allowed in a permanent installation - That is the first time I have heard that one - Makes me nervous that somebody makes that statement .We are not major users of flexible conduits but there are places that it comes in useful. c - states unless it has been designed for that purpose

    I know that when Clipsal first introduced flexible conduit there were different grades for different uses , like in roof spaces and then a stronger flexible conduit for use in concrete decks.If the manufacturer states that the flexible conduit is suitable for concrete work , or under plaster then I do not see a problem with it and to me it would pass c . refers to flexible conduit being allowed for stationary appliances

    Would be interested to know who told you it is not allowed and what regulation he is using to make that statement.

    6.5.4 Flexible conduit Earthing
    Metal flexible conduit, even if insulated, shall be connected to earth but shall
    not be used as an earth continuity conductor. Installation
    Flexible conduit shall
    a) use only appropriate glands and terminations,
    b) not be so bent that it could open or be damaged when it is strained in
    normal use, and
    c) not be buried in plaster, screed, or concrete, unless it has been designed
    for that purpose. Flexible conduit may be used for the final connection to a fixed or
    stationary appliance but may not be used as the final connection to a
    portable appliance, unless it has been authorized for this use.

    Sans 61386-23 refers to the IEC 61386-1 (pasted below ) - The 61386 code refers to manufacturing tests etc that the conduit needs to pass to enable the SANS mark.
    The IEC code is freely available on the net

    This part 23, which specifies particular requirements for flexible conduit systems, is to be used
    in conjunction with IEC 61386-1, Conduit systems for cable installations – Part 1: General
    Requirements 1, and its amendments. It was established on the basis of the first edition (1996)
    of that standard and its amendment 1 (2000).

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    Dave A (02-Dec-18)

  4. #3
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    It's news to me as well but I suspect he's refering to I don't use the domestic 'spreg' type flexible conduit but I do use large quantities of 316 stainless steel Copex on specialised commercial installations sometimes.


  5. #4
    Full Member smithers's Avatar
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    i am not in the electrical field, but have seen plenty homes built in our area that use Builders PVC Conduit 20mm that gets laid before concrete is poured and used to run wiring up the brick wall construction. I know the Overberg has had some real dodgy home build in the past years, but inspectors now are pretty ruthless on rules being adhered to (some of the electricians are not certified to pass CoC).

    this topic certainly helps me making sure what should be used when i start on the building of a new structure on my plot

  6. #5
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    Flexible get a white one and a grey one.

    The white one is absolute can squeeze it flat with your hand and generally will collapse during installation and splits after a short time while.

    The grey one on the other hand is the right stuff...i believe it is supplied by hellerman...i give that stuff a thumbs up...first i am hearing that you cant use it...someone would be failing lots of my projects if that is the case.

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