Hey there everyone,
I work for a well known airline in South Africa as a pilot. Recently I discovered that a training bond associated with my conversion onto the aircraft that I fly has been altered.
When I joined said company the bond was a ‘depreciating type’ over five years. This is what I signed in my employment contract when I joined.
Since then, it appears as though the company has changed this to a ‘non depreciating’ type, meaning that if I was to leave after say 3 years service in my case, they expect the full amount to be paid back to them.
This is in the region of 200 000 Rand.
They cite that the recent raise we received during salary negotiations with our union as justification for this.
Is it legal to retro-actively change someone’s training bond, and by extension their employment contact without their specific consent to do so? (I never signed any document agreeing to the new terms.)
Tommy’s Gun
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