Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentle
Can some one please enlighten me on this one. Are Clipsal Scheneider elecectric socket outlets (16A) SABS or NRCS compliant I came across a lot of them and on the packaging I dont see any confirmation.
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentle
Can some one please enlighten me on this one. Are Clipsal Scheneider elecectric socket outlets (16A) SABS or NRCS compliant I came across a lot of them and on the packaging I dont see any confirmation.
I had a look at my stock in the workshop and the dedicated sockets have SABS approved on the back - The older ones have SABS164 on them .
Thanks GCE
I returning this batch.
Hi Siya
The socket outlets themselves do not need to have the stamp on , as long as Schneider have the paperwork to match - I am sure that if you make contact with your local rep he will be able to produce all the necessary paperwork.
I very much doubt that a company with there reputation would have any illegal products on the market.
Thanks GCE
I just called Schneider.The Rep promised promised to email the paper work be for ethe end of the day.
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