Hi all,

Long story short.
On the customer age analysis, a customer account shows an amount outstanding which differs from the statement each month.
The account was queried and I decided to take the matter in my own hands and to open a new account and just journal the outstanding invoices into the new account and out of the old account.
That balanced beautifully onto the new account and the old account now shows R0.00 (except on the age analysis but |I'm not going to worry about that now).

I did a Customer journal, where I debited and credited contra account 1000. The Sales account. I thought I did it correctly, as everything balanced, statement and age analysis is perfect.

However, when the customer paid the account via Point of Sale, I was able to allocate the payment to the outstanding invoices, but now that exact amount now shows up errors in the data integrity report.

There's a difference on Customer balances / Customer Control, Open Item out of balance. Was I suppose to also debit and credit the Customer Control account ?

What did I do wrong? How do I fix it?