Hey Guys .

Ive been googleing around on this topic for a bit, dealing with clients that dont pay and most articles describe a step by step process of emailing phoning and so forth.

I have not found this helpful i deal in websites and graphic design so unpaid web designs i can usually pull from a server however a graphic design element thats been used i cant get back.

I get frustrated as these are low cost services to some of the people i work with, and i think gosh you cant even fisish up a R800 payment yet you are going on holiday retreats and all of that.

I do include cluases in my contract, but from what i see they might as well not be there. The law also protects people like this and for me to take things further as im dealing with such small amounts up to r3000 at most, I sometimes wonder if i hold on a week more maybe theyl pay and we can continue on good foot.

Do you guys employ any tricks .... that help with this kind of issue? I could ask for payment upfront but as a graphic and web designer that would be taboo. I also dont want to behave negativily to other cliets because of a few that havent paid.