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Thread: Invoice + Order + Login Issues Parter 17

  1. #1
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    Invoice + Order + Login Issues Parter 17

    Hi, I've stumbled upon this forum a few times which has helped sort some previous issues for which I'm greatful, though it's now necessary for me to post. We're having a few issues on Partner 17 at the moment if someone could shed some light on where to look please.

    I suspect the server hard drive may be failing as there are multiple different types of issues occuring such as the PC being quite slow, strange Pastel issues that I'll list below and it was reported that Pastel started rebuilding files automatically on Monday then I had to do it on Tuesday to resolve a stock level issue.

    1) Invoicing is doubling line items though statement value is correct.
    2) A certain stock code shows a quantity on sales order but the relevant sales doesn't show up in zoom, only via outstanding back order report.
    3) When opening the company the processing functions are unaccessible and greyed out sometimes, logging in again whilst in Pastel then works fine. It seems to occur on workstations only.

    Assistance would be greatly appreciated if anyone could, thanks.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member Neville Bailey's Avatar
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    I suggest that you temporarily use one of your workstations to act as the server, in order to determine whether or not your server is the culptrit.

    Re-register Pastel as the server on the workstation and then move your company data folder into the Pastel17 folder of the workstation.

    Then share that Pastel17 folder and re-map all the other workstation to the Pastel17 folder on the workstation.

    Hopefully the odd issues you are experiencing in your points 1 and 2 will cease, although the existing issues will still need to be rectified via a datafix. I can assist you with that via TeamViewer.

    With regards to point 3, refresh the registration of Pastel on the workstation.
    Neville Bailey - Sage Pastel Accounting Consultant
    IronTree Online Solutions

    "Give every person more in use value than you take from them in cash value."
    WALLACE WATTLES (1860-1911)

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