Hi all you knowledgeable people. Was wondering how you manage your wifi. For example, I want to change the wifi password so my staff isn't on it. If they have to use their phones in working hours, for personal reasons, they can pay for it themselves. On the other hand, I want to offer my customers free wifi. So putting up a sign with wifi password, means that my staff will also have it (this is how I've been doing it). The options as I see it are:
1) Have the customers come to me so I can enter the password for them. Don't like this option as if it was me, I'd just ignore it plus this might keep me veeeeery busy
2) Print little pieces of paper with wi-fi password on (or even a business card). Won't be long before one of my staff scratches in the dustbin and distributes the wifi password.
Not really a lot of options. Is there any I have missed?
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