Let me put this straight i am a windows , google , firefox , android guy. I hate apple and all it stands for , the hype , the elitism and the fanboys.
The last two days i had a client who was having issues with his iphone macbook and ipad. So with a slight bit of learning where everything is on this operating system i managed to do what was needed , then i actually ound myself enjoying ( what i once considered a bad user interface ) . i still believe its interface and compatibility are a pain , but i actually enjoyed working on it.
Even though i still believe what i did before my position on apple has somewhat changed , if only slightly .
What is it about apples products that lure people , i just cant seem to pinpoint it.
I am hoping this was just the excitement of learning something new , and that had i kept it longer some of the flaws would revert me to my original opinion .
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