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Thread: Copyright Notices

  1. #1
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    Copyright Notices

    Ive recently come across a issue , i developed a website for a client, its been a few months and the client cant seem to make up her mind in what she wants for her website. I offered advice as a have a decent knowledge of SEO , social marketing and all the rest ( you kind of have to when you are competing in serps for web design queries because all of your competition knows seo too ).

    I phoned her since we were now to collaborate , i had no issue with this, ( she had very compelling writing skills on her site ) but over the phone she told me i need to supply her links of my work, so she can see if i can work with her as a developer !!! I was insulted. I need to prove myself to somebody who clearly doesnt know what they are doing. My seo and content is far Superior to hers , the site i had created for my client has Superior structure and ranking than this "Seo Content Writers" site.

    I could not even find them on google unless actually entering their website name ( this is a established company , who boast about seo and marketing ). Secondly and this is irrelevant but it was a WordPress site , non responsive with a yoast plugin ( basically a seo and writing assist tool for beginners ).

    She then told me that if she uses another developer my footer credits will be removed , fortunately this woman never paid in full for her website and i am now going to decline the rest and take the site back as i have 3 clients waiting for websites.

    I makes me angry that i sat down with this client provided everything she needed as a developer, got her site ranking on the top of google for its queries , and now some smooth talking company is going to come push me off all of my hard work.

    My question is in future if somebody has paid in full, can a content writer contract another developer and simply remove my copyright and credit link on the page? Because i have worked with one before and i know they sub contract to developers. Is there a clause i can add to my contract to protect me from this?

  2. #2
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    No they cannot.
    Well you need to specify it in the terms and conditions.

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  3. #3
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    You are busy and have work lined up. Get rid of her as a client and work for clients who will appreciate the business.
    Tell her she can't remove your copyright until there is a complete rewrite, will she listen NO.
    But move on and forget them I try to get rid of toxic clients.
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    Ive recently come across a issue , i developed a website for a client, its been a few months and the client cant seem to make up her mind in what she wants for her website. I offered advice as a have a decent knowledge of SEO , social marketing and all the rest ( you kind of have to when you are competing in serps for web design queries because all of your competition knows seo too ).

    The last week she emailed me telling me that she had enlisted the services of a copy-righter , marketing seo specialist and that i was to contact her....I was taken aback and phoned my client immediately, she could tell i was upset, i found that this person , was a friend of hers she also explicitly stated that this woman knew many developers in My town, cassically saying i was from now on a option...

    I phoned her ( the copyrighter) since we were now to collaborate , i had no issue with this, ( she had very compelling writing skills on her site ) but over the phone she told me i need to supply her links of my work, so she can see if i can work with her as a developer !!! I was insulted one to many times. I need to prove myself to somebody who clearly doesnt know what they are doing. My seo and content is far Superior to hers , the site i had created for my client ( which i had not even started a seo expet for some good onpage practices) has Superior structure and ranking than this "Seo Content Writers" site.

    I could not even find them on google unless actually entering their website name ( this is a established company , who boast about seo and marketing ). Secondly and this is irrelevant but it was a WordPress site , non responsive with a yoast plugin ( basically a seo and writing assist tool for beginners ).

    She then told me that if she uses another developer my footer credits will be removed , fortunately this woman never paid in full for her website ( only the deposit) and i am now going to decline the rest and take the site back as i have 3 clients waiting for websites. My contract states that the site remains my property until paid in full.

    I makes me angry that i sat down with this client provided everything she needed as a developer, got her site ranking on the top of google for its queries , and now some smooth talking company is going to come push me off all of my hard work. I did this as a favour for a friend , so i grossly undercharged and all the months of changes from static site to dynamic site and back again , i never asked for a extra cent, i thought, u know its a good site and the value of it in my portfolio is good enough i will just have to be more carefiul in the future about pricing. I wrote it off as inexperience.. But now i may not even get my portfolio piece. And being more experienced im kind of thinking take the site back redo the content and sell it to one of your waiting clients for what its really worth.

    My question is in future if somebody has paid in full, can a content writer contract another developer and simply remove my copyright and credit link on the page?
    i mean i can understand they bought it and it is now their property..... but ive also heard that there are ways to preserve your footer credit even f you sell the site. i have worked with one before and i know they sub contract to developers. Is there a clause i can add to my contract to protect me from this?
    Ive quoted and edited my story as i left some details out ...yes ian i dont really intent to work with her anymore , it was a waste of much time and effort.

  5. #5
    Silver Member Greig Whitton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    she told me i need to supply her links of my work, so she can see if i can work with her as a developer !!! I was insulted. I need to prove myself to somebody who clearly doesnt know what they are doing.
    Someone wants to assess the quality of your work and you're insulted??? Get off your high horse! The web development and digital marketing industry is bloated with fly-by-night freelancers who promise the world and take advantage of their customers' ignorance.

    I would never work with a freelancer without first assessing their body of work.

    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    My seo and content is far Superior to hers , the site i had created for my client has Superior structure and ranking than this "Seo Content Writers" site.
    Yes, your copywriting is clearly of the highest caliber

    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    I makes me angry that i sat down with this client provided everything she needed as a developer, got her site ranking on the top of google for its queries , and now some smooth talking company is going to come push me off all of my hard work.
    Clearly you didn't provide everything she needed otherwise she wouldn't have switched to a different developer.

    Quote Originally Posted by New Perspective studio View Post
    My question is in future if somebody has paid in full, can a content writer contract another developer and simply remove my copyright and credit link on the page? Because i have worked with one before and i know they sub contract to developers. Is there a clause i can add to my contract to protect me from this?
    Probably the easiest way to contract this is that all of your work remains your property until your client pays you in full. That said, are you really going to take legal action to enforce your contract if a client pays a developer to scrape your work and recreate it without your copyright?
    Last edited by Greig Whitton; 29-Oct-17 at 10:11 AM.

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  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig Whitton View Post
    Someone wants to assess the quality of your work and you're insulted??? Get off your high horse! The web development and digital marketing industry is bloated with fly-by-night freelancers who promise the world and take advantage of their customers' ignorance.
    My client and i have worked together for over 5 months, i have always provided what she requested and when i made recommendations she thought she knew better...i hardly think i qualify as a fly by night in this situation.
    Why should i get assessed if i am established and threatened , by somebody whom is merely a friend of the client with absolutely no credibility. You are stereotyping me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greig Whitton View Post
    Yes, your copywriting is clearly of the highest caliber
    Did i say that? I said it is better than hers. My clients site ( the one i have not even begun to do seo on ) has a higher standard and ranking than that of the copy-righter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greig Whitton View Post
    Clearly you didn't provide everything she needed otherwise she wouldn't have switched to a different developer.
    I cannot be held responsible if a client doesn't know what they want i can make suggestions based on my experience, i can implement changes and show her the improvements through analytics... she tops rankings for her keywords , her site has great traffic... Every second week its a change...far beyond the stipulated amount of changes stated in my contract after the final design is accepted. I never complained or charged. ( i should have)

    You cant satisfy all of the people all of the time right? This is just one of those, maybe its our personalities , maybe its my style of work. Maybe its her friend , maybe its money. I provided solutions , she thought she knew better. Can i force her to do it my way? No. She is the first to act like this. I could sell her site for double what i quoted her after a content re write.

    Point is as each day goes by , the value of the site increases , the value of my outstanding fees decrease, my brand is now missing a piece which would have given it more credibility and diversity, how many potential clients would that be lost? I would be a fool to work further with this person.

    Quote Originally Posted by Greig Whitton View Post
    Probably the easiest way to contract this is that all of your work remains your property until your client pays you in full. That said, are you really going to take legal action to enforce your contract if a client pays a developer to scrape your work and recreate it without your copyright?
    My contract does state this, as i said earlier, i want to be rid of this client , but she wont take my work with her as she hasn't paid in full. Therefore the site is still my property.

    I wont take legal action no need, i have a copy of the site locally . If she decides to pull a fast one i have a script on her hosting platform to wipe the site should she try lock me out. I hope it does not come to that , i had contacted her and i am waiting for a response.

    Copywriters sub contract to developers to apply their ideas for new marketing strategies. I know this because ive have done it myself and the credit goes to the copy righter. She has come on board to a project which i created and has done well, her job is to enhance that. Not to question me. She is a freelancer just like myself. One with MUCH less credibility.

    However i am not here to argue about who is best and rubbish like that, i just explained i hopes to find a possible solution of protecting myself against being pushed off my own projects in the future. If i cannot prevent it in the situation that somebody has paid in full then so be it.

  8. #7
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    My question is in future if somebody has paid in full, can a content writer contract another developer and simply remove my copyright and credit link on the page?
    Why not ? Surely the "client" asked you to do something for them so it is theirs ? I wouldn't want their stamps all over my website and have the right to ask them to remove it from MY website if I didn't like it. On our website it says we own the copyright !

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  10. #8
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    A client shouldn't even accept a design with "stamps all over the website " . I am talking about a one line footer credit that is standard on most websites , not a advertising space for your company lol.

    But yea it seems the general consensus is thy can do with it what they like, once paid, which is fair. I was just kind of hoping there would be a law reserving your credit unless the website was entirely reconstructed . However this is one client out of almost 2 years worth of work. I guess i should just accept that is always a slight possibility and move on.

    i actually went and read the privacy policy of a few randon web design firms and they all seem to say the same thing.

    This does open the opportunity for me to approach any website i think may need Seo , content , better design even if it has a all rights reserved by "x-design Company".

  11. #9
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    Im talking about the one line footer.
    If you had to put that on my website then I could charge you for advertising

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    adrianh (01-Nov-17)

  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    Im talking about the one line footer.
    If you had to put that on my website then I could charge you for advertising
    For a line stating designed by so and so .... well you are would be one in a thousand then.

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