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Thread: Whats the nexxt big search engine ranking website ranking shift

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  1. #1
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    Whats the nexxt big search engine ranking website ranking shift

    Ok so we have seen google destroy the way in which links work , no doubt they are still the no1 ranking factor today , though their much has changed the relevence of links , the linking neighborhood , the number of domains linking in vs number of links .... and of course the still debated no follow link. Lets forget all that for a second though.

    i have seen content take a strong second place in the way search engines rank today.

    User interaction itself also has become a ranking factor.

    We all know social media also has its share in ranking factors ,( and that social media is also great for traffic purposes , rankings put aside) but with Facebook now admitting to giving some kind of ranking authority to user profiles is this a precursor to a greater more accurate reflection of social media usage and in turn will this allow google to give it a better share of the ranking factors for websites?

    Also this will allow google to give more power to testimonials.

    if this is the case will it be something that stands or holds like a trend , where a surge or influx in social media signals will cause a temporary increase in rankings.

    Since we are all so hell bent on trends i think this isnt such a ridiculous theory after all. There are why not give a user what is trending ? With so manynew websites coming in each day i think the day of a few established websites at the to are coming to an end.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Google's mission remains unchanged in looking for genuine, reliable signals as to the relevance of any particular web page for a search result. The battle to discount the irrelevant and the contrived continues. Google is merely getting better at it.

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    ravenmull (04-Oct-17)

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Google's mission remains unchanged in looking for genuine, reliable signals as to the relevance of any particular web page for a search result. The battle to discount the irrelevant and the contrived continues. Google is merely getting better at it.
    Yup !! Their mission hasn't change thats why even today they won't sell search positions or have a homepage full of irrelevant dribble

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    ravenmull (04-Oct-17)

  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    Google's mission remains unchanged in looking for genuine, reliable signals as to the relevance of any particular web page for a search result. The battle to discount the irrelevant and the contrived continues. Google is merely getting better at it.
    i like this i do believe that genuine reliable content is what they are after , because thats what would help the user most and retain them..... However google may be filled with some of the greatest minds on earth regarding what they do , however the hunger of those who need to get to the top for a living in a not so "acceptable" manner will always surpass that of somebody who is defending something established.

    Great empires have always fell to men with more ambition , hunger and need. .

  7. #5
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    Yes a bigger emphasis on user signals , tracking how users go about your site , time spent , pages checked , i know thiese have ben there , but i think they are getting more complex measurements and a heavier impact on ranking itself. I remember Matt cutts saying , the perfect google search engine would return only a single result for a query , in other words get it right for the user every time ..... everything is about the user. They are the cash flow and google is a corporation first. A search engine second.

  8. #6
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmull View Post
    I remember Matt cutts saying , the perfect google search engine would return only a single result for a query , in other words get it right for the user every time ..... everything is about the user. They are the cash flow and google is a corporation first. A search engine second.
    I wish this would be true, however the number of irrelevant paid advert returns which has nothing to do with the original search request, begs to differ. I think that Google is first in to collect the cash, and hope that users will continue lapping up the garbage they through out at you.
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    Quote Originally Posted by View Post

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    Yea I just read about google reeasing Pixel 2 phones ( no Jack ) Pixel buds ( earphones ) and from the piece i read alot of the smartphone software is aimed at apple. Also why i mention this is slong with these items google released two speakers that you can place anywhere in your home and us the google voice command search , display it on you tv ( that one is for apples siri i guess ). They took a hard knock with nexus seems they're having a go at apple again . In any case if people start searching or when i should say with voice natural language is going to change how we write our content.

  11. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmull View Post
    In any case if people start searching or when i should say with voice natural language is going to change how we write our content.
    Perhaps some have already started.

    And there I was hoping that AI and voice would combine to improve spelling and syntax...

  12. #10
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    however the hunger of those who need to get to the top for a living in a not so "acceptable" manner will always surpass that of somebody who is defending something established.
    That will always be the case ...... so typical in the leadership of our country as well

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