I hope the following info helps someone.
I'll try and put everything here in detail & in order. I might unintentionally skip some info / "how to" as I'v worked with Pc's for many years & have learnt a certain understanding, and therefore a certain way of thinking when I troublehsoot. Please not I'm not a software engineer at all, at best I can "write" some basic batch files out of my head / "recompile" commands with my basic understanding of the syntax to get the desired effect :P. Sorry if the post is long, I like to understand as much as I can, to learn, & to hopefully share my understanding. As someone wiser then myself once said "If you can't explain something, you dont understand it".
Due to the immense complexity of software, please be aware that even if you have the EXACT same problem; identified the same problem files etc etc , there may be a different root cause requring a different solution to repair the issue. Coincidentilly, even if the root cause, onsetting error message, problematic files, etc etc are all identical, a different fix may just fix your issue.
Tips when ever working with Pastel/business critical software on ANY PC:
1)Manual backup of companies & registration data.
1.1)Create another 1-2 copies of backup mentioned in 1).
2)Create a System Restore point with a semi detailed description IE) "Pre attempt to fix Pastel crash when opening companies"
2.1)Repeat 2) & add a "2" after the detailed name of the restore point. Restore points sometimes become corrupted & having a 2nd one to hopefully put you back to live is nice.
3)Keep a detailed log of what your doing / have tried / what hasnt worked / what partially worked. I do this in word, highlighting what hasnt worked in red, what I havnt tried yet in black, what worked in green, and what partially worked or changed the error output in orange.
Windows 7 32bit Workstation running Pastel V12.1.4 & Pervasive V10.30 crashes when opening any of the 4 companies that are on the networked server. A Windows "Pastel has encounted an error" box open everytime, after closing the box, Pastel closes.
Solution: (Once understanding the 'depth' of the issue at hand {described below} a quickfix that might work is to use "SFC /scannow" as described here, {https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/verify-the-integrity-of-windows-vista-system-files/} followed by a reboot. I did all of the analysis & resolution remotely.
When the "Pastel has encounted an error" box appears, click "details", copy the text of the error message to Word, it will be something like:
"Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: MsiExec.exe (or in my case
Application Version: 5.0.7600.16385
Application Timestamp: 4a5bc3e6
Fault Module Name: MSIF58A.tmp_unloaded
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 4b02e3f0
Exception Offset: 1008b972
Exception Code: c0000005
Exception Data: 00000008
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 7177
Additional Information 1: 0a9e
Additional Information 2: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
Additional Information 3: 0a9e
Additional Information 4: 0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
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So, moving on. Looking at the previous error message, you will look at " Application Name: " , in this case "MsiExec.exe" . Also take note of "Problem Event Name:" , in this case "BEX". From previous troubleshooting rodeo's I know what "MsiExec.exe" is, & its purpose / role. You can read about it here https://www.neuber.com/taskmanager/p...iexec.exe.html .
After uninstalling & reinstalling (as Pastel support had tried) I noticed that upon reinstalling, both Pervasive & Pastel had installation errors pop up,(which Pastel support didnt mention...This observation became key in chasing the rabbit down the hole) although the installation appeared to continue after closing the Windows pop up error message (again, take note & copy the details of the error message in details).
When opening Pastel, (after reinstalling) it would crash with a standard "Program XYZ has encounted an error" , click details, this pointed to " Problem Event Name: Pastel V12" with "Fault Module Name:w3upi310.dll" . I then readup on this DLL here - http://www.shouldiblockit.com/w3upi3...ac5fd7920.aspx
Piecing this puzzle together :
1)Opening a company in Pastel leads to a crash, with a *Pervasive DLL* being identified as the faulting module (w3upi310.dll ). An educated guess lead me to believe that with Pastel & Pervasive failing to install minus any error message, ment that the actual problem lay further "down the chain" IE something that Windows was providing to Pastel / Pervasive for it to install, was failing. If you imagin Windows visually (I'm not a software engineer) you might see something like this: http://slideplayer.com/slide/240899/...r%E2%80%A6.jpg . Each layer is then split up further, in this case, the Operating System layer (Windows), is split into many layers, one of those being a layer that installs applications (again I'm not a software engineer, and as far as I know its a service 'layer' Im refering to, that service layer being the Windows Installer Service.). Another way to imagin this is that Windows is a logistix company. In this section of the "logistix comapny" , a conveyer belt + staff are deployed to unbox packages that are ready for shipping, so they contents of the packages can be inspected, and sent to specific rooms for repackaging & delivery.. In this case the package is Pastel, & one of the staff is drunk :P
2) SO seeing as there seems to be a issue with installing software, I went to google and asked google "how to repair Windows Installer Service", which eventually led me to this article: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/...en-you#method1
I only needed to use the 1st method in this link, there is a 2nd method in the link should method 1 not work. I also planned to use method 1 & 2 in this link (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/...or-when-you-tr) should method 1 & 2 in the previous (https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/...en-you#method1) link not work.
Thats it folks. I hope this wasnt too boring a post & that it helps you atleast get 1 step closer to solving your issue.
Oxygen IT
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