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Thread: Man is as dom as ever

  1. #1
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    Man is as dom as ever

    Yes we are the species known as homo sapiens because we have the power of reason but undoubtedly our default mode is to be dumb.
    This dumbness is very successfully masked, concealed, submerged on account of our very aggressive education systems, so most of the time we manage not to do really stupid things.
    However every so often someone comes along and gets us back to our natural state of idiocy. That is the hard evidence as unpalatable and regrettable as it might be.
    That is why the very smart people of Germany fell for a diminutive ranting maniac, Adolph Hitler, and his diabolical “Nazism”. It is why Africans danced in the street for a genocidal maniac like Idi Amin Dada. Otherwise very smart White Rhodesians were led like sheep down an obviously disastrous path by Ian Douglas Smith. Then the supposedly smartest Africans, being Zimbabweans, repeatedly kept a really bad leader, Robert Gabriel Mugabe, in power. In South Africa the people have kept a cheap crook like Jacob Zuma in power even after they were fully informed about his perverse Nkandla enrichment to the tune of R245 million. Now we see that the supposedly most advanced people on the planet, being the Americans, have voted in the biggest recorded buffoon in history, Donald J Trump, as their President.
    As said it must be the case that our natural default mode is to be stupid, naïve, irrational, dense, dumb, dom … as much as this is covered up by education.
    However the likes of Hitler, Mugabe … and Trump have had the knack of getting us back to our natural stupid state.
    I started life in an orphanage and institution for deprived children, Sacred Heart Home. That school and the secondary school I attended were the most under-resourced in the Colony of Southern Rhodesia. But I now realize that I actually received a most fantastic education because, as much as I have done really dumb things, I could never fall for the stuff spewed out by the likes of Hitler, Smith, Amin, Mugabe, Zuma and Donald Trump. NEVER!!! NEVER NEVER EVER!!!
    ... and yes ISIS ... NEVER ... NEVER ... NEVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I realize that I had the best teachers on this planet in Sister Mare SND, Richard Brown, Danny Pillay, Vernon Bowers and others. They are my heroes.
    To my mind it is unimaginable that supposedly sentient beings can even start to believe Trump’s bleating that 194 other nations all conspired to diddle, cheat and laugh at “poor” America as regards the Paris Climate Accord.
    At the High School I attended, Embakwe Coloured School, a person like Trump would have got a very good hiding for trying to “eat us in the ear and hurt us in the brain”.
    So understand that we are all dom, but if you are a fan of any of the buggers I have listed above and paid for your education, you need to go and get your money back.
    Of course it might also be the case that we are not all descendants of the rather smart homo sapiens but that most of us have evolved from the rather thick homo heidelbergensis, homo erectus, homo habilis, Australopithecus afarensis or the Neanderstals.
    What proves my point beyond all doubt is the way the current debate is being framed. Everyone is into arguing, quarrelling and going bla bla bla about “climate change”. Scientifically climate change can always be disputed.
    What cannot be disputed is that “dirty energy” like coal mining is no good for our children, the planet and its creatures as compared to “clean energy” like solar.
    It is a simple matter of choosing which is the more responsible way to manage planetary resources; which increases rather than decreases survivability of the planet and its inhabitants. It is like choosing between an e-cigarette and the traditional tobacco fag. Does a surgeon use a kitchen knife or a scalpel? Why do we now use seat belts?
    As Arnold Schwarzenegger says - “Does Donald Trump not know what is it that causes tuberculosis and emphysema”?
    Pumping black smoke into the air is just not smart if you can use solar instead.
    However, except for Arnold it seems, nobody is framing the issue in these obvious terms. We are not doing this because we are dom. If you imagine that I am wrong ask yourself a very simple question – do you think, imagine or suppose that our current management of the planet and its resources is at all sustainable in the longer term?
    We know that it is not … but we all acquiesce, connive and collude at this ruination of the planet because, as said, we are as thick as planks.
    No question!
    Let us have the conversation!
    Blog: Cognito ergo sum

  2. Thank given for this post:

    Andromeda (12-Jul-17), Dave A (12-Jul-17), flaker (09-Aug-17)

  3. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I think greedy rather than dumb. People vote for idiots, corrupt and genocidal maniacs to further themselves. Take Trump, yes he's an idiot with zero credentials but he makes enough bluster about getting American jobs back from the Mexicans and Chinese and people will vote for him. He's businesscentric and has the same IBG-YBG philosophy where he won't be held accountable for the long term negative effects of achieving short term gains and will happily defang any institutional checks and ballances that get in the way. The people who truely worry about what kind of world we will be handing to our children and our childrens children are few and far between, the vast majority are worried about later today, maybe tomorrow, not next decade or next century. Trumps approach to climate change is merely a symptom of this mentality, it's something that stands in the way of his short term gains and when the cheque becomes due for ignoring the issue he'll be long gone.


  4. #3
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    I have to agree with you on every count.
    However ... and this is the question posed in my article ... is it the case that the likes of Hitler, Idi Amin, Donald Trump ... succeed because they succeed in getting us back to our "default" mode which is "dom".
    You see the evidence that Trump is a pathologically mendacious, misogynist, hateful, narcissistic buffoon is BLINDINGLY clear ... unless one is stone blind and deaf ... and yet, not only was he elected by millions, right now he is being defended by a very long list of supposedly intelligent "up there" folk who will happily face cameras and have their utter nonsensical mouthings recorded for all of posterity.
    Daily I cringe ... and cringe ... and cringe when I see and hear supposedly educated folk shamelessly spouting pure nonsense about, for and in defense of Trump.
    Is it not the case that he has succeeded in getting them back to their natural mode which is "dom"??
    Let us have the conversation!
    Blog: Cognito ergo sum

  5. #4
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Could it be that USA has swapped one Dom establishment for another. I think the only reason Trump won, was that the folks just had enough of the previous establishment of continuous useless leaders, and to get any real change, had to resort to Trump being elected. Ultimately everyone knew that he could not quite do what ever he wanted too, there is still a senate who controls the strings.
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  6. #5
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    Obama was no "useless leader".
    The hard fact of the matter is that he dragged the USA from the edge of an abyss ... economic abyss and got the unemployment level down to 4,9% ... a record.

    In a nutshell
    This irrational populist saga being played out in the USA is not new. It has happened before ... and Nazi Germany is the best example.
    Hitler gave it a name; Nazism. Trump's culture is not Republican. His policies, culture and values are not Republican. So, we call it "Trumpism".
    As regards both these buggers "dominance" is their philosophy, culture, ideology, gospel and stance.
    Hitler targetted “others”. So does Trump. To Hitler “others” started off as Jews and the Polish in the main. To Trump it is everybody starting with Mexicans, Muslims, Blacks, Chinese, women and even the disabled.
    He is “scapegoating others” by making out that they are the cause of real and very much imagined problems for Americans.
    His “Make America Great Again” is simply a slogan promising a return to a White male dominated society of racial and gender inequality, no more, no less. There is no other explanation that has emerged.
    Since most humans naturally crave "being first or on top" Hitler and Trump found it relatively easy to leverage this and secure what is actually populist mass delusion.
    They were able to do this because dominance is their own personal major trait.
    So they contend, preach and advocate what they themselves are naturally. The natural inclinations of the general public to be "on top or first" renders them both susceptible and gullible in response … and "bingo" they are captured like sheep.
    Let us have the conversation!
    Blog: Cognito ergo sum

  7. #6
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    Good discussion here.
    Good points made.
    Let us have the conversation!
    Blog: Cognito ergo sum

  8. #7
    Silver Member
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    Jobs or climate change, pick one.

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