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Thread: First time renting...not working out!

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Greig Whitton View Post
    HR has a long history of abrasive, hyper-opinionated, and obnoxious posting that borders on trolling. Ignore him.

    LOL .... so do you ..... the difference is you are often wrong

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vanash Naick View Post
    Only if you provide your next 10 000 clients with free services
    Vanish just as a matter of interest we often provide charity work.
    Secondly why on earth would I do 10000 clients with free services ??

    Thirdly I never ever said you must do something for free - I suggested you do this work and get paid when you win ......... if you were so sure about it instead of attacking me back why don't you do it ?

  3. #13
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    Vanish just as a matter of interest we often provide charity work.
    Secondly why on earth would I do 10000 clients with free services ??

    Thirdly I never ever said you must do something for free - I suggested you do this work and get paid when you win ......... if you were so sure about it instead of attacking me back why don't you do it ?
    I reject your suggestion. However, I do thank you for thinking about my best interests, if you really concerned about the same.

    HR, I’m certainly not attacking you. That being said, you can’t police my reaction. I’ve already emancipated myself from ‘mental slavery,’ and I’m encouraging my people to do the same.

    I don’t have a malicious bone in my body. 2000 people from the “Precast Informal Settlement Ward 8, Lenasia,” will attest to this!!!!
    I can walk freely to this informal settlement at any time day or night. In fact, I sometimes take a walk there at 2 am in the morning! Even the dogs of this informal settlement are familiar with me! I know what contribution I'm making to South Africa. I needn't elaborate.

    I haven’t been to church in over 15 years. My last church service was about 2 months ago in the "Precast Informal Settlement: “ Greater Works Ministry.” It was the best church service I experienced in my life!

    I share this with the world proudly and openly!

    I have no reason whatsoever to “attack,” you or anyone else.

    My question to you is this : Will you be able to walk to this informal settlement at 2 am alone?? I think not, you'll need to first earn the respect of these good human beings.

    This wonderful community have accepted me as a son of their land. I’m proud of my 2000 friends in the “Precast Informal Settlement,” and guess what, they proud of me.

    You see, I care about the marginalized of society. Do you?? I’ve dedicating my life to help these wonderful human beings in any way I can.
    Change is coming to Lenasia, and it’s coming soon!!!!

    “We Revolutionaries, YOU KNOW. ME, see myself as a revolutionary who don’t have no help from NO ONE, and take NO BRIBE from no one. I fight single hand with MUSIC.” BOB MARLEY

    In brief, I’m not attacking you whatsoever. I simply have no need to do so and perhaps more importantly no time to do so.

    That said, peace and respect, my fellow TFSA member.

    United we stand, divided we fall.

    Might I suggest, that we work together for the greater good of South Africa?? As opposed to petty argument
    Last edited by Citizen X; 01-Jun-17 at 08:26 PM.
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  4. #14
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    I have no idea what walking in a settlement has go to do with helping this lady !
    I still say if are so sure then do this for her and get paid if/when u win.

    As u say ... Let's work together

    But the fact is you can't be giving professional advice to someone where they are going to spend money to try to get money they probably never will get !

  5. #15
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    True charity is sweetest when it is a gift freely given rather than an obligation placed by someone else being fulfilled. Let us not sour the blessings of giving by attempting to place an obligation on others.

    If you want to volunteer someone, I gently suggest it best to volunteer yourself.

  6. Thanks given for this post:

    Citizen X (02-Jun-17)

  7. #16
    Diamond Member Citizen X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    I have no idea what walking in a settlement has go to do with helping this lady !
    I still say if are so sure then do this for her and get paid if/when u win.

    As u say ... Let's work together

    But the fact is you can't be giving professional advice to someone where they are going to spend money to try to get money they probably never will get !
    HR, the risk then falls on the individual who accepts the advice. Advice is for free here and, you don't need to take it!

    That said, this conversation is going no where. I will not engage you further in this regard. You remind me of an individual by the name of "kevin,' who was once suspended from TFSA
    “Ubuntu is the essence of being humane" Desmond Tutu
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  8. #17
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    HR, the risk then falls on the individual who accepts the advice. Advice is for free here and, you don't need to take it!
    WoW ..... so if you don't really know and accept bad advice then you take the risk ......... and just cough and pay

    I agree this thread is going nowhere ........ lets leave this one.

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