Hi All,
I am unsure if this is the right place for these types of questions, or even the correct forum to be using for this. (If not, could someone possibly point me to the right place?)
Right now, our company is Developing a System for a Client, which has a requirement for a Console Application to be developed (It could in theory be any Desktop used application, but we went with a Console Application), which is used to Integrate and Pull Data from their Pastel Databases by use of the Partner SDK.
Now, while the majority of these requirements are done and have been achieved, I am having an issue with Pulling Data from 1 table.
Currently we pull from 3 Different Tables, namely the:
- [ACCHISTH] - Account History Header
- [ACCHISTL] - Account History Lines
- And [ACCJCODE] - Cost Codes
The way we Pull Data from these tables are all using the same Calls to the SDK, such as Below:
The initial call to the Table
var returnCode = SDK.GetNearest(document, 1, "0"); //"document" is representative of the above mentioned Tables Codes
The above generally Pulled the table we need, where thereafter (for each record) we use the following:
The call for the next Record within the Table
returnCode = SDK.GetNext(document, 1); //"document" is representative of the above mentioned Tables Codes
And the data Retrieved from this is stored within our Systems Database, for use in it's internal functions.
Now all of this works fine, with no issues, we get our Data, convert it and store it. However, we are in the need for Accessing one last table, which is where it just fails.
We need to Pull Information from one last table, called:
[ACCCCTRN] - Cost Code Transactions
Now the problem is, even though we use the exact same process as the previous tables, we get errors when using it for this one.
The Following (Exactly the same as earlier)
var returnCode = SDK.GetNearest(document, 1, "0"); //"document" is representative of the above mentioned Tables Codes
returnCode = SDK.GetNext(document, 1); //"document" is representative of the above mentioned Tables Codes
Throws us with this error:
{"Object required"}
Data: {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal}
ErrorCode: -2146827864
HResult: -2146827864
HelpLink: null
InnerException: null
Message: "Object required"
Source: "SDKPasV14"
StackTrace: " at PasSDK.PastelPartnerSDKClass.GetNearest(String& FileName, Int16& KeyNumber, String& KeyValue)\r\n at ReadFromPastel.Program.QuoteHeaderExport(String document, String license, String authcode) in C:\\Source VSO\\LicenceServer\\GMC Project Management Web App\\Source\\ReadFromPastel\\Program.cs:line 175\r\n at ReadFromPastel.Program.DocumentExport(String license, String authcode, Int16 docType) in C:\\Source VSO\\LicenceServer\\GMC Project Management Web App\\Source\\ReadFromPastel\\Program.cs:line 129"
TargetSite: {System.String GetNearest(System.String ByRef, Int16 ByRef, System.String ByRef)}
Now one thing I do notice in there, is the "Source" is indicating "SDKPasV14". This I find odd, since we are using V17 pastel and the updated SDK with it.
So I tried rebuilding the tables, in hopes it may have been a version issue (Even though the SDK is backwards compatable) This did not work. Neither did removing our Reference to the SDK V17 reference, and re-adding it.
I just have no idea how to resolve this issue. The tables are there, all other tables tested are accessible, but not this one.
If anyone could provide some assistance or Guidance in the direction that would lead to this being resolved, it would be greatly appreciated.
If needed, we are developing using Pastel Partner V17 for Pastel Partner V17. (Along with its relevant version SDK) Code language being C#.
Thanks in advance!
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