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Thread: Zuma's Master Class in military strategy

  1. #1
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Zuma's Master Class in military strategy

    Zuma's Master Class in military strategy

    This is a good description of what is happening right in front of our eyes...

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Zuma's master class in military strategy
    12:49 31/03/2017
    People don't realise this but Zuma is a master military strategist who has been responsible for intelligence in Umkhonto we Sizwe for a long time. He has essentially used basic military strategy to firstly be elected as President and secondly to wage and win the war in Parliament in spite of a robust constitution and judiciary.

    ZUMA HAS DEPLOYED 3 MILITARY AND ATTACK STRATEGIES 1. Propaganda (using populism) - eg get groundswell support of uneducated mass to give a voter base 2. Diversion (using deception) - eg Nenegate was to test market sentiment and institutional response / acknowledgement to pay Nkandla 3. Scorched Earth (looting, breaking down state machinery, state capture) - eg policy to support looting, placing own people in power and using treasury for own gain

    In this latest action, Zuma has implemented phase 1 of his scorched earth tactic.

    A. ELIMINATE HOSTILE CABINET MEMBERS AND SACP/COSATU AFFILIATES In an interesting and dare I say, brilliant strategic move (from a political perspective) , Zuma is building a buffer of support and protection against a vote of no confidence. He stands to lose close to 60-80 ANC votes (combination of ANC, SACP and Cosatu) which would carry the vote (since ANC leads house by 49 votes). By getting in almost 20 supporters into parliament, he potentially avoids a motion of no confidence.

    By appointing his own choice selected cabinet, over which he exerts control and influence, Zuma is able to pass or stop legislation in his favour. This enables him to further loot the Treasury and capture state machinery.

    This move debilitates and immobilizes the nation and its resources, and causes much needed resources to be spent on fighting for survival and preventing demise iso growing the base, stabilising the nation and competing internationally.

    C. INFILTRATE AND DESTROY STATE MACHINERY It is a fact of life especially politics, that people can be bought and manipulated if given money and power. By systematically corrupting the system, Zuma builds a political and economic architecture aligned to his values and purpose.

    It takes 201 people in parliament to support his cause. He already has the populus.

    By getting the majority support in parliament and in his party, he has ultimate control.

    THE CRITICAL DEPARTMENTS ARE ALREADY CAPTURED After the Treasury, the next 4 critical departments to control are :

    1. Police

    2. Communications incl telecommunications 3. Transport 4. Defence

    These 4 areas are critical to control in any revolt by the masses.

    The first 3 form part of Zuma's new appointees in this reshuffle.

    We already know that current Defence minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula is an ex Umkhonto we sizwe member working closely with Zuma.

    This means the stage is set for the next military move by Zuma. And that will be as blatant as any totalitarian ruler we have seen in Africa, Latin America, Asia and USSR.

    Zuma, if not stopped now, will very quickly move to destabilise the nation, which includes creating diversionary tactics of turmoil. This will require the treasury, police, defence, communications and transport ministers to collude in quelling turmoil.

    Two, potentially three actions are needed to halt this attack on the nation. This is :

    - an impeachment by the Parliament and Zuma asked to step down (cleanest, most effective and most ordinate)
    - if it fails, a groundswell movement like the Arab spring (challenging and plagued by counter forces and logistical issues plus the police is under Zuma control)
    - or lastly if Zuma appears to powerful, a revolt / coup (once again Zuma is in control of Defence and Police)

    SOUTH AFRICA AS A NATION IS SERIOUSLY UNDER THREAT While we have been absorbed in and diverted our time and energy on discussing colonialism and tweets, a shrewd and cunning military master has been preparing for war.

    Make no mistake, this is not kindergarten politics as displayed by Trump & Co. This might be Africa, but the world is mistaken if they think that our politics is confined to tribal discussions around a campfire, especially since we have boisterous and barbaric fistfights in parliament.

    The Chinese general and strategist Sun Tzu, was one of the first known exponents of guerilla warfare as an art of war. But it is claimed that this tactic was deployed by ancient tribes before Tzu.

    In Africa there is ancient history and Zuma has just given new meaning to the phrase political guerilla warfare.

    South Africa wake up, before its too late.

    By Siegfried Jegels (2017)
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    When it comes to political strategy, have you ever read Niccolo Machiavelli's The Prince?

    Wherever JZ's playbook comes from though, there's no denying he is demonstrating a masterclass in political strategy.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    No have not read that book. Come to think of it, the last book I read some years back was Richard Branson's, Screw it, Let's do it
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
    Solar pumping, Solar Geyser & Solar Security lighting solutions -

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