A ramp test shows an earth leakage unit trips at 15 milliAmps.
Do you replace it?
A ramp test shows an earth leakage unit trips at 15 milliAmps.
Do you replace it?
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These are the things I wrestle with as an installation electrician . As far as I know the tripping value of a earth leakage unit must be 30mA (0 to 50 % of 30mA)that is 15 to 30 mA. A value on a earth leakage tester is 15 mA. So from that point of view it can legally pass .Being border line the earth leakage could be deteriorating .Due to nature and reason for earth leakage protection it may be better to replace.Is a ramp test the. same as a earth leakage test.
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If a earth leakage trips at 15 mA this could /will lead to nuisance tripping.
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What was the exact test procedure Dave? Was it tested several times with consistent results? What was the tripping time and what time at 180degrees? Was all wiring on the outgoing side disconnected?
Is the earth leakage covering the entire installation or just a few of the circuits?
I often come across earth leakage units that trip outside the required tolerances until they've been operated a couple of times either by tripping during testing or by operating the test button. Usually if they just fail the initial test then pass consistently after that I don't replace them. I wouldn't replace a unit that was tripping at 15mA unless there were specific reasons it might be a nuisance
Gtfast (31-Mar-17)
A bit late.
Reg 8.7.12 says it must not trip at 50 percent of rated tripping current which I understand to be 15mA.
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Dave A (12-May-17)
Participation is voluntary.
Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
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