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Thread: Maternity leave, leave accrual and minimum number of days annual leave

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Maternity leave, leave accrual and minimum number of days annual leave

    Good morning, all!

    I have some questions I would like some guidance on, please:

    1.Maternity leave: Is there any prescribed payment due to person taking maternity leave? Is it required to pay this person an specific portion of her normal salary, does she have to receive her full normal salary?
    2. Leave accrual during maternity leave: Is there any prescribed leave accrual during maternity leave? Can the company say we will reduce your normal leave accrual by 50% or something along those lines? My personal view is no, the person is in the employ of the company and leave must accrue normally.
    3. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act prescribes 21 consecutive days annual leave - does this refer to normal working days only or does it include weekends when the employee does not normally work?

    Any pointers would be highly appreciated!


  2. #2
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    1.Maternity leave: Is there any prescribed payment due to person taking maternity leave? Is it required to pay this person an specific portion of her normal salary, does she have to receive her full normal salary?
    No - She can claim UIF up to 60% of her salary - for 4 months. I believe this was recently increased

    3. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act prescribes 21 consecutive days annual leave - does this refer to normal working days only or does it include weekends when the employee does not normally work?
    15 working days

  3. Thanks given for this post:

    Jakoos (03-Mar-17)

  4. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    And to assist with the last outstanding question -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jakoos View Post
    2. Leave accrual during maternity leave: Is there any prescribed leave accrual during maternity leave? Can the company say we will reduce your normal leave accrual by 50% or something along those lines? My personal view is no, the person is in the employ of the company and leave must accrue normally.
    Your personal view is correct - at least for situations where the Basic Conditions of Employment Act is applicable.

  5. Thanks given for this post:

    Jakoos (06-Mar-17)

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