This may be a bit technical for here, but on the off chance someone has a simple answer ....
Our pastel network currently has an old pc as the server and its pretty slow, however when generating reports or selecting from drop down lists it gets silly slow. I happened to have my resource monitor on and noticed that whenever I used their zoom facility to select from a history of invoices, it starts transferring data across our network at over 1Mbps. This however can go on for nearly 2 minutes. That is enough data for a 2min youtube video. We have about a thousand invoices in history, but surely it shouldn't have to draw so much data for what is not much more than a drop down box.
When manufacturing, its also painfully slow - unmanufacturing gives me enough time make a cup of coffee. The old server is not totally innocent, as it has its speed issues, but its not hanging or anything, its transferring data as quickly as it can. But that just seems like an unnecessarily large amount of data for a lookup. Do I have a setting wrong somewhere?
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