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Thread: Is pocket money taxable?

  1. #1
    Silver Member
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    Louis Trichardt
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    Is pocket money taxable?

    Good morning,

    I had an interesting question this morning, and wasn't sure what the answer would be.

    Would pocket money be seen as taxable income? Does it fall under the R100,000 donations tax exemption?

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
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    Pocket money is normally given to a minor, and doesn't a minor fall under their parents taxable income? In which case they are giving the money to themselves so its not income.

    Secondly, I vaguely recall income for small amounts per annum are not taxable. I unfortunately can't remember the details. Either there was an annual limit of a few k under which ad hoc income was not considered taxable, or it was considered to be "immaterial".

    Thirdly, if the individual is a separate tax payer, then won't pocket money be less than R70k per year and therefore fall under the 0 tax due bracket?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by dellatjie View Post
    Would pocket money be seen as taxable income? Does it fall under the R100,000 donations tax exemption?
    Yes it does.

  4. #4
    Silver Member
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    Louis Trichardt
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    Pocket money is normally given to a minor, and doesn't a minor fall under their parents taxable income? In which case they are giving the money to themselves so its not income.
    Not as far as I am aware. When trust beneficiaries get an allocation from a trust, they are registered for tax and their income declared under their own name...

    Secondly, I vaguely recall income for small amounts per annum are not taxable. I unfortunately can't remember the details. Either there was an annual limit of a few k under which ad hoc income was not considered taxable, or it was considered to be "immaterial".
    The only exemption I know of, is R100 000, and something about incidental gifts.

    Thirdly, if the individual is a separate tax payer, then won't pocket money be less than R70k per year and therefore fall under the 0 tax due bracket?
    This can be true yes. However, the question would be, do they still have a liability to file a return?

  5. #5
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    Pocket money is normally given to a minor ......... aren't we being a little pedantic about wanting to tax that minor and taking pocket money a bit far ?

    Your earned that money, paid tax on it and then give pocket money to your child !!

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by HR Solutions View Post
    Pocket money is normally given to a minor ......... aren't we being a little pedantic about wanting to tax that minor and taking pocket money a bit far ?

    Your earned that money, paid tax on it and then give pocket money to your child !!
    But it is subject to R100,000 exemption. Thereafter, if the child is a minor, it is the parent's responsibility to submit a tax return for and on behalf of the child.

    This is not nice, and nor is it clever, but it is what the Act says.

  7. Thanks given for this post:

    dellatjie (15-Nov-16)

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