Advice? I "sold" two vehicles, signed change of ownership forms and ... have not been paid. Yes I know. I did everything wrong. I trusted when I was told I would be paid, but that was 6 months ago...
Advice? I "sold" two vehicles, signed change of ownership forms and ... have not been paid. Yes I know. I did everything wrong. I trusted when I was told I would be paid, but that was 6 months ago...
Yep unfortunately that was wrong ....
Charmaine Walkinshaw (06-Nov-16)
Did you sell to a natural or juristic person? (simplistically an individual or a company ((or equivalent)) ).
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Charmaine Walkinshaw (06-Nov-16)
I "sold" the vehicles to a company.
Depending on the value of the sale, get an attorney involved in which a case of fraud is opened, where the company took possession of the vehicles with out making a payment.
The attorney must also request proof of payment as part of the claim.
I stand to be corrected here, but this problem could be over in a few weeks, as the attorney could attach the vehicles through a Sheriff of the court.
In any case get an attorney involved in this matter, it will also show that you are committed in finalizing the transaction.
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Charmaine Walkinshaw (06-Nov-16)
Did you have any sort of signed agreement in place ? If not I do not see much of a solution here because by signing over the registration of the vehicles to the new owner you are handing it over. Payment could have or could not have been agreed. For all purposes you could have given these cars to them.
Charmaine Walkinshaw (06-Nov-16)
How much money is involved?
Charmaine Walkinshaw (07-Nov-16)
Do they owe you the full R140k or have they paid a portion ? What is their reason for non payment ? Are they family ?
Charmaine Walkinshaw (07-Nov-16)
Not family, ex business partner, have not paid anything as of yet. Seeing my lawyer tomorrow. Will get advice perhaps able to pursue matter via court order and sheriff???
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