Some advice please.
I recently completed testing for a COC at a townhouse in a complex of 11 units.
When doing the Ze earth loop impedance test, I obtained a reading of 5,6 ohms.
I gained access to the meter kiosk which feeds the whole complex and tested there & obtained the same reading.
This proved that it was definitely a council problem.
I notified the inspector with the relevant Annex K form.
Two weeks later, I was informed that the problem had been resolved.
I did further tests and obtained the same reading.
I then arranged to meet the council maintenance guy at the kiosk.
The wiring arrangement was TNS.
The 11kv mini sub was about 20 meters away from the kiosk.
When opening the mini sub we found that almost all the earth cabling from 70mm to 16 mm had been stolen.
I walked across the road to another kiosk and tested a 1,3 ohm earth loop test.
I was told that it could take 6 months to repair and that I could not issue the COC.
My client is obviously not happy as this is holding up the transfer of the property.
I asked the inspector if we could do a TNC-S connection at the kiosk untill the matter has been resolved.
This was denied.
My question is, currently the TNS system has an earth problem and surely it would be better to have a TNC-S
Earth system.
Or am I missing something
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