Amith their biling system is crazy. I have also had so many issues i literally have to spend a day looking at invoices to make sure that i haven't been billed twice i have quite a few websies with them.
Their generated statements are dynamic so there is a balance brought forward say a debit waiting to go through however as soon as it passed it disappears from the next statement and its untraceable again now , tthey complie five six domains into a single invoice while others are alone.
Ive could them twice on double billing me for a package in one month and on two of my domains they have failed to cancel.
I asked them to reach a compromise perhaps bill all domains at once say at the start of the month, they are not interested.
I want to move away but with over 40 domians active with them this seems like a daunting task do able but just wish they could fi their mess.
Platinum ive had only one domain with domains so not much experience the little i did have seemed good.
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