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Thread: Where I can find the best web hosting ?

  1. #11
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    Hi Guys, any sentiments \ pros & cons on hosting with afrihost or 1-grid (previous webafrica) in South Africa?

  2. #12
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Afrihost seems solid enough.

  3. #13
    Junior Member 2Conn's Avatar
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    It's true that server locations have impact, you need to select hosting where majority of your web visitors comes to you in that case. You will need VPS, then dedicated, then cloud hosting later, that's totally correct really. So please better read about your needs in future.

  4. #14
    Email problem
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    Even if you are on something as low a shared hosting plan you can always get a content delivery network and change your name servers for the website to be served there. No doubt dedicated is always better but even on dedicated you would go to a cdn. This wil negate alot of the response time for the initial https request and reduce page speed for that user. In terms of top level domains however you would still be a .com or whatever you choose and google has placed a nice chunk its ranking algorithm in that.
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  5. #15
    New Member Africanify's Avatar
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    If you're still searching for a robust and reliable web host for your website; I'll suggest you give Namecheap Host a try. All my clients website are hosted there.

    Do you know one thing I like about them?

    Not only is their hosting packages very cheap, when compare to BlueHost and co., but they have the best Customer Supports.

    Their customer supports are always available 24/7 to help you fix stuffs, or give quick solution to your website issues.

    If am to rate their service, it's not gonna be anything less than 10/10.

  6. #16
    Diamond Member Blurock's Avatar
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    Host4Africa has very good tailored packages to choose from, including creating your own website
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  7. #17
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    I recently moved over to they are awesome and easy to use at a great price even thou they are international.

    I used about 7 different hosting companies over the years and would recommend them without a doubt.

    They offer a free domain for the 1st year, Free SSL certificate and best part of all 1 click WordPress install which walks you through all the steps to basically get your site up and running with little difficulty.

    I am an affiliate and you will receive a signup discount of up to 60% using the following link Bluehost Discount Link

    They are also recommended by WordPress, happy to answer any questions...
    If you have multiple sites you will want to look at the unlimited sites options to keep your running costs fixed.

  8. #18
    Email problem
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    Man guys I have to take back what i said here, I originally spoke well of one grid, and well after a very long week arguing whilst trying to not be dismissed I resolve a issue with them that had somebody just listened ... It would have been fixed much faster. This issue persisted among some of my sites across 3 hosting providers. I was getting a cURL error when trying to run a script for updating.
    After some diagnostics I could only find that the hosting company had for some reason blocked the ip i was trying to connect to on my web server.
    After numerous phone calls, tickets I kept getting we have checked with a senior and there is not fault on our side.
    I spent my whole saturday doing tests cleaning wiping installations and trying the connection on a clean server ect ect.
    Eventually I threatened I hate doing that but Isaid guys Il have to move my busness elsewhere as every other host has when i told them about this problem resolved it.
    Today i received a phonecall to tell me they were indeed blocking the ip being called on.

    Now i dont mind a mistake, hosting isnt easy im sure. but atleast point me in a direction give me a partial solution or something other than its not us..that's what really got to me.
    If this were a isolated incident, id let it pass too but i managed to speak to four diffrent guys and they all did the same.

    So Ive been with them a long time i have 20 ofdd websites with them and they used to be good although now i see they are pushing websites, seo packages and even company registrations which is a smart move even a magazine :/ , i feel however its diluting what they do.
    I have worked with quite a few other companies much less and right now xeenlo / hetnzer has got to be on my top, im not a big fan of konsoleh but then again cpanel isnt the greatest thing either. Hetzeris a bitmore pricy but their support has been super.
    HostAfrica is my second.
    ( these guys fixed on my issue after a day or two of looking into it. ) Told me what to try from my side in the meantime.
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  9. #19
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    Hi New Perspective Studio,

    You should have a look at bluehost, they have packages for a single monthly premium to host multiple websites instead of paying per website.

    They are currently running their Black Friday Bluehost Specials.

    Click this link to see the specials offers.

    PS, I had some billing issues with 1-grid and their automatic domain renewal system (did not renew domains marked for automatic renewal) recently...
    Prior to this never had any issues seems to be a recent thing...

  10. #20
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