Hi All,
What are some good books in economics for beginners?
Hi All,
What are some good books in economics for beginners?
The E myth Mastery by Michael Gerber
This one is very good
Read another nice book this weekend.
A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton Malkiel
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I have a lot like these two books with information very useful in putting into practice and easy to read:
Think and Grow Rich
The Intelligent Investor
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I am a trader, I have a lot that love these 6 books, which I recommend:
Think and Grow Rich
The Richest Man in Babylon
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The Law of Success
Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant: Guide to Financial Freedom
The Intelligent Investor
Two of my choices are 1. Eat the Rich: A Treatise on Economics and 2. Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy
Most books people recommend will be pop-business books. They are easy to read, filled with business stories and make you feel like you're learning something. Avoid these books.
If you are serious about learning, use textbooks. They are designed for conveying knowledge.
1. Start will high school level then move your way to university economics 101.
2. Initially cover the broad spectrum around economic (micro, macro, behavioral, game theory, etc)
3. Find what interests you and read deeper in that direction and be sure to apply it !
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